
Super-PAC supporting Hillary Clinton launches outreach for one religious group (Jews)

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

There’s a super-PAC called Ready for Hillary that is preparing the ground for a possible run by Hillary Clinton for president: “Ready for Hillary is the vehicle through which Americans of all walks of life are expressing their support for a potential Hillary run.” 

The group’s website targets many U.S. groups as potential Hillary backers, including Latinos, black Americans, LGBT. There’s also “Faith Groups for Hillary” for possible religious supporters:

Hillary’s faith has remained a guiding light throughout her career — informing her public service and shaping her vision of a society where all people grow and prosper.

And now there’s a separate effort at the super-PAC aimed at Jews, called Jewish Americans Ready for Hillary. “Throughout her career, Hillary Clinton has fought for the issues that matter most to Jewish Americans.” The campaign announced its formation yesterday, and it’s led in part by “a former finance director for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)”, the leading Israel lobby organization.

Its press release indicates that Jews are the only religious group specifically targeted: 

Jewish Americans Ready for Hillary joins other Ready for Hillary constituency groups, such as Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Ready for Hillary, Black Americans Ready for Hillary, Faith Ready for Hillary, Latinos Ready for Hillary, LGBT Ready for Hillary, Native Americans Ready for Hillary, Veterans Ready for Hillary, Women Ready for Hillary and Young Americans Ready for Hillary. 

Sarah Posner reports, slyly, that Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are not singled out:

Here’s the best part [of the announcement]:

“This effort isn’t only about money,” says [Fran] Katz Watson, the Democratic political fundraiser and former finance director for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “But it certainly includes money. We want your names, we want your time, we want your enthusiasm, but we also want a little of your money,” she says. “If it’s $20.16, $100.00, or Ready for Hillary’s $25,000 maximum contribution, we hope you will participate in every way you can.”

(Pro tip: if you’re going to put out a statement that your effort isn’t about fundraising, don’t quote a professional fundraiser, who then goes on to ask for money.)

But what about voters of other religions? Do they also want to be targeted with exclamation points? Are Muslims Ready for Hillary!? Christians? Buddhists? No. No. And no!

Also, notice that Hillary’s profession of faith at the site does not mention Methodist background and worship, though she has spoken directly of this experience. Jews really are special. We are simply essential to Democratic aspirations, because of our presence in the Establishment; experts have suggested that anywhere from one-third to two-thirds of the money Democrats raise comes from Jews. And P.S. Money is the mother’s milk of politics.

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I am not ‘ready’ for Hillary at all.

It’s a shame that I won’t/can’t support this particular female because I very much would like a female President. She was a good first lady.

NOT Hillary, handmaiden to one religious group. No President of the US or candidate should be wooing/massaging ANY religious group. What ever happened to separation of church and state?

Again, AIPAC inserts its obnoxious self and $ into our process via super- PAC (thanks Supreme Court).

I’ve heard Lanny Davis’ “Hondurans for Hillary” has been a tremendous success among the wealthy quarters of Honduran society, among the poor not so much.

You haven’t heard about it much in the media because after the coup that Hillary’s buddy Lanny was spokesman for, there hasn’t been much of a media. They’re either dead or in hiding.

No ‘Old White Male Americans Ready for Hilary’.

And after being married to Bill for all these years, who can blame her?

sure would be nice to have a POTUS that (evenly) represented the people,
all the people, instead of money
be nice if the people had the vote on the issues of voting, and true authority over those ‘we’ vote for (aka; hire)
i also would like to have a female POTUS though i would rather wait for the right one
it’s unlikely that Ms Clinton would represent 99% of the people
true leaders suffer first, and supper last
G-d Bless

On a related matter (lol) here’s J-Post’s 2014 list of the top most influential Jewish humanitarians in the world:

The Jerusalem Post’s Top 50 Most Influential Jews of 2014 list:
1. Jack Lew
2. Janet Yellen
3. Binyamin Netanyahu
4. Shimon Peres
5. Sheldon Adelson
6 Malcolm Hoenlein
7. Avigdor Liberman
8. Adina Bar-Shalom
9. Yair Lapid
10. Naftali Bennett
11. Elie Wiesel
12. Ronald Lauder
13 Steven Spielberg
14. Stanley Fischer
15. Shari Arison
16. Rabbi Yechiel Z. Eckstein
17. Tzipi Livni
18. Scarlett Johansson
19. Isaac Herzog
20. Ed Miliband
21. Yosef Abramowitz
22. Lynn Schusterman
23. Matthew Bronfman
24. Karnit Flug
25. Joseph Gitler
26. Nir Barkat
27. Natalie Portman
28. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
29. Irwin Cotler
30. Jeremy Ben-Ami
31. Moshe Kantor
32. Hershey Friedman
33. Ephrat Levy-Lahad
34. Ephraim Mirvis
35. Jonathan Sacks
36. Abe Foxman
37. Idan Raichel
38. Lena Dunham
39. George Soros
40. Vladimir Sloutsker
41. Benny Gantz
42. Daniel Gordis
43. Ester Rada
44. Raphael Mechoulam
45. Dalia Dorner
46. Ofra Strauss
47. Chaim Chesler
48. David Golinkin
49. Marcie Natan
50. Mark Leibler