
French Jews, surrender to terror in the baguette capital and move to the land of legal terror!

Here is the inspired performance artist Natalie Cohen Vaxberg lampooning Israeli leaders’ overtures to French Jews to move to the Jewish state. She plays a pro-Israel propagandist Meira Lapidot, in a coral jacket and blonde curls and a lot of lipstick, and urges the French to move soon.

Jews of France, it’s time to celebrate,

Bibi and Sara [Netanyahu] will give you a cake…
Come now while it’s still hot
Let’s exile the Bedouins and settle the Negev…
Surrender to the terror in the baguette capital
And come be a legal terrorist…
What are you waiting for?
Make Aliyah, we’ll bake the holy temple again…
If you come tomorrow,
Sara promises you the Triangle [Palestinian area around Umm al-Fahm]

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They will know what terror is, if they work for Mrs. Bibi, she seems to be quite a shrew. This is not the first time her maids have complained. Even the war monger Bibi must be terrified of her!!


Message from Israel to the terrorised and down trodden Jewish French Citizens .

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden , “Dome”.

Come help us build a Juden Staat that is free of Arabs.
Help us expel these illegal squatters from God,s holy land
Come claim your patch of Yisrael , given to you as one of the chosen people.

Is Vaxberg is locked up for, ahem, “poo pooing” on the flag? Anyone know how that case is going?

She does not appear chastened.

I wonder if you would have said the same to Jews living in Germany in 1935 or Jews living in Poland in 1939. You’re awfully callous and oblivious to your own privilege.

I wonder if you would have said the same to Jews living in Germany in 1935 or Jews living in Poland in 1939. You’re awfully callous and oblivious to your own privilege. Let me know when you’ve spent some time living as a member of the French Jewish community, which has been experiencing attacks on its members for at least the past 13 years.

You make all of this hay out of a few thousand Israelis moving to Berlin, but somehow, when many more thousands (and a much greater percentage of population) of the 600,000 Jews leave France to move to Israel, all you can do is accuse them of “surrendering to terrorism.”