‘NYT’ only counts Jews when it pronounces Thursday ‘deadliest day of violence’

Yesterday, five people were killed in violence in Israel and Palestine: three Israelis, an 18-year-old American yeshiva student, and a Palestinian bystander. Isabel Kershner sums things up in the New York Times:

Thursday was the deadliest day in the recent wave of violence.

Not so fast. The Times says so because most of the victims were Jewish. But a month ago Israeli forces killed six Palestinians in one day in Gaza, and within 24 hours killed another two Palestinians. That was a very deadly day indeed– for Palestinians!

The Times policy is a lot like the policy of the white characters in Huckleberry Finn, who at least had the excuse that it was 1840s Missouri and they were the object of satire. When a steamship runs aground, Aunt Sally asks: “Good gracious! anybody hurt?” Huck answers: “No’m. Killed a n—-.” To which Aunt Sally responds, “Well, it’s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt.”

You should also note that Kershner– whose son has served in the Israeli army, and whose husband is an avowedly pro-Israel writer– fails to state that Israel uses home demolitions as a punishment only against Palestinian perpetrators, not Jewish perpetrators of violence.

Mr. Netanyahu said that Israel would “settle accounts” with the perpetrators, exact a price from their families and destroy their homes. The homes of several Palestinians charged in attacks have been demolished in recent weeks in what the Israelis describe as a deterrent measure, but the tactic has not, so far, put a stop to the violence.

Yes, 90 Palestinians have been killed, and 16 Israelis. But no Jewish homes destroyed.


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Yes, Mark Twain knew how to nail ’em! so does MW. Thanks.

But by way of understanding the home demolitions, Israel prolly understands Palestinian attacks on Israeli Jews as “attacks on Israel”, “attacks on Zionism” whereas — by fully comprehensible contrast — Israeli attacks on Palestinians (whether or not Israeli citizens) cannot be considered “attacks on Israel”. Not at all! Just a continuation of governmental policy by other means, and thanks for the help fellas! And thus no need or excuse for home demolitions.

Nosiree! There! Make it all clear? Make it all better?

Earlier today, in another thread, I was told that “Zio-supremacist” is a nonsensical and meaningless term. And yet every day Zio-supremacists say and do hateful and immoral things to validate it.

Yes, 90 Palestinians have been killed, and 16 Israelis. But no Jewish homes destroyed.

phil, allison reported on nov 16:

Israeli forces killed more than 110 Palestinians including alleged attackers and protesters in near-daily demonstrations that have spread across the West Bank under the banner of a “knife Intifada” or uprising.

– See more at: https://mondoweiss.mystagingwebsite.com/2015/11/netanyahu-condemn-against#sthash.eYlYQRvD.dpuf

i think your figures may be off. and of the “16 Israelis” killed, i know at least a few of them were by israelis — “mistaken identity”.

Thanks for that very applicable passage from Huckleberry Finn!

Of course Jews in Israel deserve physical security because ALL people deserve physical security. But NOBODY, including Israeli Jews, have the right to unjustly deprive others of their equal security. That is criminal, pure and simple. To do so as a pre-emptive measure against some hypothetical future insecurity is even more irrationally criminal.

I’d nominate Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to play Aunt Sally in the local theater group.

Here is an article with stunning data by Glenn Greenwald on how workers in the mainstream media are virtually enslaved by the Zionists.