
If Israel is unwilling to differentiate itself from the settlements, then boycotters shouldn’t either

Israel’s passing of a law that bars entry to foreigners involved in boycotting Israel (including its settlements) was condemned by a wide spectrum of Jewish organizations, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now, the American Jewish Committee, Jewish Voice for Peace, and others.

The bill alienates and criminalizes even those who have supported a ‘partial’ or ‘selective’ boycott, which has merely targeted settlements.

Such strategy has been the hallmark of those who sought to mark their opposition to settlements as an ‘obstacle to peace’ as USA would often call it, based on the perception of a two-state solution that was supposedly just around the corner. Policies such as EU regulations to mark settlement products in recent years, have been under this notion – to show that it was the settlements that are being criticized, not the state of Israel as a whole (so as to keep away from the notion of ‘delegitimization’ of Israel as a whole, which is often regarded as anti-Semitic by Israel apologists).

Conceptually, this selective notion has been puzzling for some – are the settlements not the child of Israel? Did settlers just appear there, again and again, with Israel simply ‘adjusting itself to a new reality’ which was forced upon it?

These used to be critical questions, entailing careful nuance. But Israel has cut through all that. With its new law (actually based upon the 2011 anti-boycott law which was meant mostly for ‘internal’ purposes), Israel is equating in no uncertain ways itself with its settlements. It does not matter if one is selective – the settlements, which are considered illegal by international law, are a one piece with the state.

So now, activists and organizations, even the liberal Zionist ones who have supported boycott of settlements, are to ask themselves: If Israel does not differentiate between itself and its occupied territories, if Israel bars entry to any foreigner who boycotts (even if they are Zionist), why should the boycotters make the differentiation between Israel and its settlements? Even if they still think that ‘settlements are an obstacle to peace’, it is now the state that fully and unequivocally sponsors them by this law. All masks are dropped.  

This law will thus challenge the sincerity of those protesting against Israel’s policies: Are they willing to take Israel, as a one state, to task for its violations of international law? Will some continue to target the theft but not the thief, even when the thief has declared the theft their own?

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I recall that 10 to 15 years ago , the usual suspects would claim that the “Settlers” were making individual choices to return to “Judea /Samaria” and the GOI had no hand in the matter , ergo they were not illegal settlers .We argued that the GOI provided funding and military support and coverage at the UN , ergo they were illegal as provided for in the 4th GC article 49 , but still they persisted in making those bogus claims.

We now see the same folks claiming that all of Palestine is belong to the Jews and the Settlers are simply exerting their right to self determination ,in their historical homeland .God gave it to them , blah , blah , blah.

Moral of the story is , don,t waste your time arguing with these morons but turn your energy to boycotting all things Israeli.If you are not in a position to hit the streets , then donate to those who are.Pass around petitions to your friends.Raise the subject whenever you can.Avail of every opportunity to put Israel,s crimes front and centre. Write to your print media.Contact your Radio /TV stations.

Israel demands our attention–let,s not disappoint them.

‘Will some continue to target the theft but not the thief, even when the thief has declared the theft their own? ‘

Excellent ending, perfectly put.

It’s fascinating that the Jewish tradition of law has nothing to do with how Israel uses the law. Israeli law is a piss take.

RE: “With its new law (actually based upon the 2011 anti-boycott law which was meant mostly for ‘internal’ purposes), Israel is equating in no uncertain ways itself with its settlements. It does not matter if one is selective – the settlements, which are considered illegal by international law, are a one piece with the state.” ~ Ofir

MY COMMENT : A couple of days ago news articles related that the Trump administration had warned Israel that there would be an “immediate crisis” between Israel and the U.S. if it annexed the West Bank. However, Isreal’s new anti-boycott law amounts to a tacit claim by Israel that the West Bank Judea and Samaria are already part of Israel!
In essence, Israel is saying “suck on this, Donald Trump”: We don’t need to annex Judea and Samaria, they are already part of (the Land of) Israel!

“A day late and a dollar short”, Trump administration.
Oh, the delicious irony!

It is more than silly that such a distinction was ever made. It certainly isn’t one I have ever made or been willing to consider.

The GoI is the planner, promoter, funder and facilitator of the illegal settlements. It is not alone in all roles but it is the key enabler at all stages.

The GoI directly benefits from the economic activity of the settlers. Israelis in Israel proper also directly and indirectly benefit for those same reasons. All Israelis benefit from the cheap labour pool that is available and more importantly from the resources stolen. Israelis also benefit from the lack of pressure on housing prices in the country which would skyrocket if the settlers contended for the available housing within Israel.

It’s all one and the same. To pretend that the settlement activity is something seperate is just plain silly. All of Israel should be subject to boycott, divestment and sanctions.