More Jewish Shtik Echoing Anti-Semitism

A couple of older Jews have chided me for not being more reverent about the Holocaust. But at least they can talk to me. I'm 53, and as I often say, younger Jews are not on the wagon. (Word choice; sorry). As I pointed out the other day, some Jews are using anti-semitic shtik. Here's the latest, a survey in New Voices magazine, a young Jews' mag, about how much of "Black October" (the name for the financial crisis) can be blamed on the Jews. Funny ha ha or funny like fish gets funny? You tell me: 

Lehman Brothers was founded by three Bavarian Jews in 1850. Half of the
CEOs of Godman Sachs since 1992 have been Jewish. Precisely what
percentage of the responsibility for the collapse of the financial
system rests on the Jews?…. How will Jews benefit most from the New Great Depression?…
In July of 2007, two Bear Stearns hedge funds collapsed, helping to
create the conditions for the current crisis. Throughout the week in
which the collapses took place, Stearns CEO James Cayne was at a bridge
tournament in Tennessee. What kind of Jew plays bridge?…

The multiple choice answers are also edgy. Hegel explained this a long time ago. History repeats itself. The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. (Not that I read Hegel, Peter Kaplan always used to quote it. Smart guy.)

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