
Study Finds that ‘Dershowitz’ in Headline Leads to

higher traffic on a blogpost. Here is Dershowitz in an Atlanta newspaper saying that Jimmy Carter must debate him. Two years on. I'm for that. How come I can't get into the Atlanta Journal-Constitution? I don't know–maybe because I'm not the Felix Frankfoitah Professah? Dershowitz:

The accusation of apartheid —- an accusation Carter has never
apologized for or retracted —- is more than a mere exaggeration. It
associates the Jewish state with an evil system that was declared a
“crime against humanity.” To accuse Israel of apartheid is therefore to
strike at the foundations of the state itself. It implies —- and many
of those who make the accusation declare openly —- that Israel is
illegitimate, racist and deserving of destruction.

Typically overheated. This isn't about destruction. By the way, Dersh also wanted to debate Walt and Mearsheimer. A little more redmeat hysteria here:

I have personally offered Walt and Mearsheimer an opportunity to debate the issues raised in their paper, but to date they have not done so. My invitation to debate remains open. I challenge Mearsheimer and Walt to look me in the eye and tell me that because I am a proud Jew and a critical supporter of Israel, I am disloyal to my country. 

That adjective "critical" seems to have landed in the omelet like an eggshell. Where's the criticism? What W&M would say is that the utter conflation of American and Israeli interests, perpetrated by the lobby, in its well-meaning but misguided way, and enabled by foolish rulings of the federal government, has allowed Israel advocates to insist that the countries have identical interests, when they don't. No 2 countries do. We're not in the same war. Let's separate those interests now, or this canoe is going over.

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