Netanyahu emphasizes Israel’s God-given right to the ‘Land of Israel’

Haven't seen the speech transcript yet. AP says that Netanyahu broke new ground by offering a limited Palestinian state. A flag and currency– sounds like. A friend who has seen it writes that the speech was red meat to the right wing:

Netanyahu opted to pander to the consensus, most especially to the
settler base, which was his audience at Bar Ilan University. He made
them very happy.


Mean-spirited in the extreme, he emphasized on Israel's god-given
right to the "Land of Israel" (euphemism for Israel Plus–plus Judea
and Samaria, i.e., the West Bank, aka Palestine). And on Israel's right
to all of Jerusalem. There was not a generous word about the
Palestinians. Only the usual tone of threat. There was no surprise in
this, of course, but the nasty, supercilious, and hypernationalist tone
even took my breath away.


Lest you think it was all negative, he did offer to cooperate with the Palestinians on solar panels.

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