
Clinton minces words for the E. J’lem atrocity

(photo by Marcy Gayer)

I wasn’t satisfied with Hillary Clinton’s statement a few days ago on the criminal eviction of Palestinians from their homes. She said that the evictions were "deeply regrettable."

Those evicted are now sleeping on the streets outside of their former homes watching the new residents remodel their property. Haaretz:

"Pointing to an olive tree near his family’s sidewalk encampment, he added that "I am living under this tree, which has strong roots." The tree is also featured on his hat, with the inscription "We will never leave."

The Gawi family sits under an awning 100 meters away. The Jewish residents who have moved into their former home have already begun renovations on the property.

"It makes me terribly angry," said Nasser Gawi. "I was born in that house and all of a sudden someone comes and takes control of it." 

Those Palestinians didn’t lose their homes in the middle of a war, they weren’t being punished for having a relative that was a suicide bomber, there weren’t any kids throwing rocks at tanks in the streets.  They were families.  And, I hate to mention that some were Christian, but I just relish the opportunity to point out how hypocritical the indifference to Palestinians Christians in the U.S. is.  You couldn’t find a more benign type of Palestinian. Yet the apartheid judicial system in Israel–which is heralded as a beacon of light in the U.S. decreed that Jews could have Palestinian property if they were persistent enough.   It’s not "deeply regrettable." It’s sadistic.

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