Why do they hate us? (bin Laden says: Read Walt, Mearsheimer, and Carter)

I did a snarky post about the Atlantic today, for killing Walt and Mearsheimer’s groundbreaking essay. Here’s why it’s important. Here’s why the New York Review of Books’ failure ever to review Walt and Mearsheimer is important. And the scholars’ disinvitation from Yivo and the Chicago Council for Global Affairs, too: According to the New York Times, in his latest video, Osama bin Laden or someone impersonating him gave a reading list for Americans about their country. The first two books are the instant classic, Walt and Mearsheimer’s The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, and Jimmy Carter’s bold Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. Two great books. We have always said that the U.S. support for the Israeli occupation was a cause of 9/11, and the lobby has always denied it. Eight years later the terrorist bin Laden is supplying further evidence. How long will it take to have this debate in the public square?

Per the Times, a voice purporting to be bin Laden says, “After you read the suggested books, you will know the truth, and you will be greatly shocked by the scale of concealment that has been exercised on you.” Reminds us of Max Rodenbeck’s great piece on OBL in the New York Review, saying that he cared about the Palestinian situation.

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