Sullivan warns that Israel could lead us into WW3 in Mid East

Everyone’s talking about Andrew Sullivan’s brilliant post on Obama today. I am too. Nut graf:

He was elected on a clear platform of reform and change; and yet the only real achievement Washington has allowed him so far is a massive stimulus package to prevent a Second Great Depression (and even on that emergency measure, no Republicans would support him). On that he succeeded. But that wasn’t reform; it was a crash landing after one of the worst administrations in America’s history.

Real reform – tackling health care costs and access, finding a way to head off massive changes in the world’s climate, ending torture as the lynchpin of the war on terror, getting out of Iraq, preventing an Israeli-led Third World War in the Middle East, and reforming entitlements and defense spending to prevent 21st century America from becoming 17th Century Spain: these are being resisted by those who have power and do not want to relinquish it – except to their own families and cronies.

Cronyism is very Ida Tarbull. When’s he going to get into Israel lobby theory? It explains a lot. At least Obama goes out and bashes the health insurance giants. But at AIPAC, pandereth he.

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