
Kucinich cong’l letter says Israeli raid on flotilla endangers ‘lives of American soldiers’

Dennis Kucinich is circulating a great letter on the flotilla attack that is already getting pushback from the National Jewish Democratic Council, which calls it "reckless." Notice the emphasis on the strategic liability that Israel now represents. Wonder if he’ll get any signatures. Excerpts follow:

The State of Israel’s conduct, attacking a Turkish ship in international waters, constitutes an act of belligerence against Turkey, which at one time Israel considered an important ally. It also undermines United States’ troops efforts in Iraq, since your administration’s efforts to achieve stability in the region and to withdraw troops from Iraq has depended upon Turkey’s cooperation through use of its air bases.

In its violent commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, the government of Israel showed no concern as to how its conduct may affect the lives of defenseless, innocent people, its friends and allies, and in particular the United States. The United States must remind Israel as well as all of our other friends and allies:

It is not acceptable to repeatedly violate international law.

It is not acceptable to shoot and kill innocent civilians.

It is not acceptable to commit an act of aggression against another U.S. ally.

It is not acceptable to continue a blockade which denies humanitarian relief.

It is not acceptable to heighten tensions in a region while the United States continues to put so much blood and treasure on the line.

The State of Israel’s action necessitates that the United States, which
is Israel’s partner in the region, begin to redefine its relationship
and to establish such boundaries and conditions which are sufficient for
mutual respect and cooperation.

It is incumbent upon Israeli officials to bring forth the truth about
the planning for and the attack upon the Mavi Marmara.

No one questions the right of Israel to defend its border, but that
defense does not extend to shooting innocent civilians anywhere in the
world, anytime it pleases.

Israel must account for our support, for the lives of our soldiers, for the investment of billions from our taxpayers. Israel owes the United States more than reckless, pre-meditated violence waged against innocent people.
The attack on the Mavi Marmara requires consequences for the Netanyahu
Administration and for the State of Israel. Those consequences must be
dealt by the United States. They must be diplomatic and they must be
financial. The U.S. can begin by calling for an independent
international inquiry of the Mavi Marmara incident.

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