
Entry 23: I nominate Mustafa, Zochrot, Emily, Norman…

This is Entry 23 in the Mondo Awards end-of-year Inspire-us contest. The author nominates several:

Mustafa Barghouti for his secularism, common sense and for standing up for ordinary Palestinians. Because he knows what is right and that his people deserve more than either Israel, Hamas or Fatah have to offer.

Zochrot for starting on the work of making Israelis understand the Nakba, without which they are trapped in a dystopia of violence and hatred.

The flotilla sailors for their action and courage and for exposing the EU and US for their support for the occupation.

Emily Henchowicz for her bravery and hope.

Norman Finkelstein for his perseverance and humour.

The old guys at the Nazareth shisha cafe in Ramallah for their local accents, smoke, welcome and for just being there. Because there are no old German guys left in Koenisberg or old Jewish guys in Lodz.