
Europe is acting because our policy is bankrupt

Yousef Munayyer of the Palestine Center in the LA Times. I believe this leading Op-Ed page published Ali Abunimah the other day. Change is afoot. Change is afoot. The liberal peace processors are being discredited for enabling oppression. Hail the change!

The biggest mistake the United States has made in the last two years was not its focus on settlements but its failure to use leverage to get the Israelis to stop building them.

Has Washington learned the lesson?

Perhaps the answer came earlier this month when Clinton delivered a major policy speech at the Brookings Institution. Though she expressed her frustration with the peace process, she didn’t signal any change in the U.S. approach. Clinton’s message can be summed up succinctly: We will keep doing what we have done and hope for a better outcome.

At a moment when the world needed to hear a change in direction, we instead were told that the United States is committed to repeating the same failed policies of the past. This is precisely why Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil recently determined they wouldn’t wait for the bankrupt American-led process and recognized the state of Palestine.

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