
Bradley Manning– in song and story

David Rovics put up this song– “Song for Bradley Manning”– in a great American tradition of the folk-hero ballad… Some lyrics below. H/t Ira Glunts.

Now Adrian Lamo has to live within his skin

He stabbed Bradley in the back, called the cops and turned him in

But not before the soldier took half a million files

If you printed all the pages they’d stretch on for miles

Evidence against the state right from the horse’s mouth 

Machinations in the west, bombings in the south 

A treasure trove of details for all the globe to see 

How much they need to lie and kill for democracy

How many drone strikes have hit villages leaving everyone to die

They blamed on someone else, the official line, Not I

How many coups have been plotted by ambassadors who say

That free and fair elections be the order of the day

Now it’s all out on the table and everybody knows 

The emperor is naked, he’s not wearing any clothes

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