
Who will fill Robert Mackey’s shoes?

I’m late to congratulate Robert Mackey on his stellar service at the Lede blog for the New York Times. Mackey did the best coverage of Israel/Palestine in our mainstream media. Courageous coverage during the Gaza flotilla. He’s moving on, to the Guardian. Hmmm, I wonder why… Mackey gives no explanation, at the Lede blog. Though Mackey says his big shoes will be filled by David Goodman, Elizabeth Harris, and Sarah Maslin Nir.

(Nir’s father Yehuda served in the Israeli Defense Forces in 1948 and after moving on to the U.S., sought to rejoin the Israeli army in ’67 and ’73. “I had to fight our enemies and rejoin the Israeli army,” he writes  of the second war in his autobiography. Huh; I wonder how Sarah Maslin Nir feels about Israel…)

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