
The case for invading Iran

Bill Kristol

Sound familiar? This is from neoconservative Bill Kristol and liberal Lawrence Kaplan’s 2003 call for a war on Iraq: The War Over Iraq: Saddam’s Tyranny and America’s Mission:

Saddam… likens Israel to “a cancerous tumor that should be excised from Palestine.”

Unlike some of his fellow Arab leaders, Saddam really means it. With the help of the French, he began construction on a nuclear power plant shortly after his rise to power. Its purpose was clear: foreign countries “should assist the Arabs to obtain… the nuclear bomb in order to confront Israel’s existing bombs,” Saddam declared in 1981. When the Israel air force laid waste to the Osirak nuclear plant that same year, the Iraqi dictator only stepped up his threats to destroy the Jewish state…

In the years since Desert Storm [1991], Iraqi officials have stated explicitly that Iraq maintains biological weapons for use against Israel. Saddam’s son Uday boasts that Baghdad possesses “weapons of comprehensive destruction” for this purpose and that “the extinction of the Zionist entity was a necessity dictated both by the will of God, and the need to recover exclusive Arab rights to Palestine.” …

Israel is not the only country against which the Iraqi dictator wields this peculiar brand of aggression. The United States also has been affected by Iraqi-sponsored acts of terror… American officials have recently documented contacts between Iraqi and Al Qaeda agents, as well as “solid evidence of the presence in Iraq  of Al Qaeda members, including some that have been in Baghdad,” according to CIA director George Tenet…

The United States should… conceive of itself as at once a European power, an Asian power and, of course, a Middle Eastern power. It would act as if threats to the interests of our allies are threats to us, which indeed they are. It would act as if the flouting of civilized rules of conduct are threats that affect us with almost the same immediacy as if they were occurring on our doorstep…

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“American officials have recently documented contacts between Iraqi and Al Qaeda agents, as well as “solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of Al Qaeda members, including some that have been in Baghdad,” according to CIA director George Tenet…”

Neocon motto – You can lie to, er, fool all the people all the time.

Byzantium was the Israel of its day in what is now Israel back at the start of the 7th century. It had been fighting the Persians and the wars were long and costly and very little progress was made on either side. The 2 sides were well matched. They had to be financed by tax levies that the people in Palestine hated. the wars weakened Byzantium. Decades and decades of fighting .

By 637 AD they had lost Jerusalem to the Arabs. And the region was changed forever.

Israel should cop on

Or in other words:

If you repeat the same lies again and again it will register in the minds of the people as a simple truth.
Josef Stalin

someone really needs to drive a stake thru the dark, ugly, dreadful heart of neoconservatism.

American officials have recently documented contacts between Iraqi and Al Qaeda agents, as well as “solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of Al Qaeda members, including some that have been in Baghdad,” according to CIA director George Tenet…

Slam dunk. Whatever happened to George Tenet ?