
‘Washington Post’ touts that ‘weird wonderful Israeli democracy’

Last week Andrew Sullivan described Washington Post columnist Jackson Diehl as a “spokesman” for Netanyahu. The job description is intact in Diehl’s latest column, which states the case for attacking Iran “with the Holocaust in mind,” which is to say, it portrays Iranians as Nazis: “The religious motivations of Iranian rulers…. mean Tehran might be willing to accept even devastating civilian casualties in exchange for wiping out the Jewish state.”

Then there’s this:

A weird but wonderful feature of Israeli democracy is that even fateful decisions about national security — like whether to carry out a military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities — are publicly debated and covered in the press as if they were questions about road building or water rates, complete with vote counts in the cabinet and speculation about political motives.
Right. Now is that the Israeli debate over building segregated roads and the Israeli debate over stealing Palestinian water from West Bank aquifers to lower water rates for Israeli citizens?
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they should start calling it the washington/tel aviv post.

“Tehran might be willing to accept even devastating civilian casualties in exchange for wiping out the Jewish state”


“So, my son, do you think we should acquire (steal) more Palestinian land, attack Iran, or buy your a new pair of pants??”

It looks like “Washington Post” has become the major “hubbab” for the war mongering propaganda that takes off daily to brainwash the entire population.

“When dissidents become too annoying, call them fascists, Nazis or
anti-Semites. This view, REPEATED OFTEN enough, will become a REALITY in public opinion”
– Stalin’s directive, 1943

The religious motivations of Iranian rulers…. mean Tehran might be willing to accept even devastating civilian casualties in exchange for wiping out the Jewish state

Again with the Jewish state thing… Israel’s unofficial borders extend from the river to the sea and Jews are not a demographic majority. 1/4 of green line Israel is not Jewish. It’s not and well never be the Jewish State without drawing new borders and expelling non-Jews.

Where are these religious motivations to wipe out Israel? If Iranian leaders wanted to destroy Israel at the expense of their people, they would have already tried. Diehl is implicating Iranian leaders are suicidal Jihadists because they are Muslim. Their leaders are religiously conservative dictators who don’t believe in equal rights, but not suicidal Jihadist extremists. US police have killed an injured more people in protests than the infamous 2009 one. 36-72 deaths is tragic, but Syria would call that “Tuesday” right now. Israel would call it “last week in the WB.”

The photos of the woman that tragically bled to death was going for shock value only. Media fixation on a single death is rare when they aren’t Israeli. Especially for Muslims.

Ahmadinejad never said ‘wiped off the map’ and he meant the regime and not the nation itself. “Erased from the pages of history” is a more accurate translation. Khamenei even responded with a follow-up clarification.

“The religious motivations of Zionist rulers…. mean Tel Aviv might be willing to accept even devastating civilian casualties in exchange for fulfilling apocalyptic prophecy.”
