
Bin Laden docs show that alleged Iran-Al Qaeda alliance is neocon hype

Thomas Joscelyn of the Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies

As part of their quest for a military solution to Iran’s nuclear program, asserting a strong Iran-Al Qaeda connection became a staple of neoconservative thought. But new documents released yesterday by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center (CTC), picked up by US special forces during the raid on bin Laden, show a much more complicated, and antagonistic, relationship.

As Ali Gharib notes at Think Progress, the Weekly Standard has printed Thomas Joscelyn of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies three times in the past two months, all of them articles on the Al Qaeda-Iran connection.

“Al Qaeda has a substantial network inside Iran,” Joscelyn asserts in one article. He also correctly cites the fact that the Treasury Department under the Obama administration has likewise said that there is an Iranian “alliance with al Qaeda.” (As Mondoweiss has reported, until January 2011, the Treasury Department’s main official on Iran was Stuart Levey, a holdover from the Bush administration with strong ties to the Israel lobby. After Levey left the Obama administration, the main official on Iran and sanctions in the department became David Cohen, Levey’s former law partner.)

Juan Cole does the digging through the documents. Turns out the neoconservatives –surprise!–are wrong:

The documents show that Bin Laden did not like or trust Iran, that al-Qaeda members who fled to Iran were surprised when they were rounded up and arrested by Iranian authorities, that they were dismayed when Iran started sending them back to their home countries, and that they felt that Iran often lied to them. They called Shiites “rawafid,” a nasty epithet used by Sunnis who don’t like Shiites very much.

They also show that sometimes al-Qaeda could get Iran to release its members, but hardly because they both hate the US and Israel. It was by mafia-like tactics such as kidnapping and threatening Iranian diplomatic personnel abroad (e.g. the consul at Peshawar) that al-Qaeda got a tiny bit of leverage over Tehran.

Al Monitor‘s Barbara Slavin also has more background. Turns out the Obama administration has also been misleading:

Iran and the group that became al-Qaeda have had some sort of ties for more than two decades, but the nature of the relationship has been subject to considerable speculation and hype. The newly released documents suggest that the two are largely antagonistic and underline the view that the George W. Bush administration missed what could have been a major opportunity to work with Iran against the Sunni militant group responsible for the 9-11 attacks.

The report also suggests that the Barack Obama administration may have overstated the case when the U.S. Treasury Department designated Iran last July 28 for having a “secret deal with al-Qaeda allowing it to funnel funds and operatives through its territory.”

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No shock there, but great job documenting the lies.

Separately, I haven’t noticed anyone commenting on what strikes me as the biggest story today. Over on, the first 3 words read:

“Israel’s atomic arsenal…”

That’s a pretty bold statement for the military censor to allow in country that still doesn’t officially acknowledge its nuclear arsenal (in passing, the lead editorial on Ynet also threatens to destroy Iran with submarine launched nuclear weapons, albeit with the more traditional oblique language). This is to some extent just part of a steady move to a more open acknowledgement of Israel’s nukes, but this statement is by far the open and direct I’ve yet seen. It marks a very important turning point as Israel continues to lose geopolitical ground: the treaty with Egypt is slowly dissolving, pressure on Iran is hurting it but not forcing any fundamental change and Israel’s much desired war seems to be receding, Turkey is settling into its role as an anti-Israel rallying point, even Jordanians are denouncing their treaty with Israel by the thousands.

Israel’s confidence in its military and political dominance of the region has been shaken substantially. It is now in the process of taking the big gun that it always kept in its back pocket (sure that it had other, more useable tools to do any job) and laying it on the table.

the concept built up about who AQ is, for the american public in a nutshell, imho, is very much about rolling as much possible into one neat package and using that identifier as ‘ terrorist/fear’. so anytime maximum fear is applied for propaganda purposes it’s disseminated by means of the identifier.

just yesterday in another thread i linked to this excellent transcript: Gen. John R. Allen, COMISAF, House Committee on Armed Services March.20.2012

it’s long but worthwhile. note the questions re the taliban and iran vs the questions about china. there’s just not that much there yet this testimony was used by the nyt(some neocon writer, sorry should have taken better notes) in order to ratchet up the fear about iran. so i looked for the transcript to see if the context was thwarted, and it was. to read this and extract info alleging iran is a problem for us in afghanistan, or pakistan for that matter, is absurd. yet clearly certain congress leaders were hoping for more. so we’ve known for a long long time the ammunition just isn’t there. this is why the military is not interested in war with iran.

if lies told by neocons were subject to indictments and grounds for arrest, there would literally be hundreds of people in handcuffs taking perp-walks and thousands of indictments and we’d forget the Gang-of-Four and Chicago Seven and instead be talking about the Neocon Thirty

What convenient timing for these documents to surface. Just a year after Osama was ‘killed’ and right after Obama gives a speech about ‘Al Qaeda’ being pretty much a non-issue. The neocons need their faceless boogeyman in order to continue the ‘war on terror’ perpetually (and take it to Iran).

This reveal just insults our intelligence. I have no idea what went on in that raid last year, but the Pakistanis say that the American helicopter exploded on take off and there were corpses on the lawn. And the chopper did explode. Also, sveral of the involved SEAL team six died in a chopper crash a few months afterwards. And that one video they showed of ‘Osama’ from behind watching ‘himself’ on TV was all sorts of laughable. I feel sorry for the kool aid drinkers. This is just one story where the fringe media are definitely right.

“O Lordy, lordy. So there’s Bin Laden, hiding in Abbottabad and he’s waffling on about Fisk”