
Two more signs that US consensus on the issue is starting to crumble

Here are two more straws in the wind showing that the discourse about the issue in the U.S. is changing. 1, North Carolina Democratic Party considers a resolution blasting Israel for “illegal occupation” — no, that didn’t happen in New York– and 2, there is a sharply anti-Zionist piece at Huffpo by Moriel Rothman based on the planned destruction of Susiya in the West Bank, saying that Israel is a perversion of his Jewish values. (Rothman is also on the news, by the way, the big demo in Susiya yesterday).

Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller:

The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) is seriously considering passing a resolution that would criticize Israel for its “illegal occupation” of Palestine, the latest in a long line of controversial moves coming out of one of the major battleground states President Barack Obama’s team is banking on to win re-election.

The resolution didn’t pass at this weekend’s NCDP state convention, but was tabled and referred to the executive committee for further consideration later. It attacks the United States for providing Israel with “$3 billion annually in military aid,” while the “Israeli occupation, disenfranchisement and impoverishment of significant numbers of the Palestinian population, and Israel’s overwhelming military might and its role as the only nuclear power threaten stability in a region witnessing increased demands for democracy and an end to autocratic rule.”

Here is Moriel Rothman at Huffpo saying that Israel is a perversion of his Jewish values:

Yes: Israel is a state in which people who are Jews are given more rights and privileges than people who are not Jews (let alone the Israeli-controlled West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the majority of non-Jews are barely given rights and privileges at all).

Yes: Israel is a state in which archaic, hyper-masculine and exclusionary readings of Jewish texts are wielded against women and non-Orthodox Jews, as well as against non-Jews.

But Israel is not a Jewish state in any value-based — or valuable — way. The Torah, the backbone of the Jewish people and religion, has a wide range of commandments and imperatives, some chauvinistic and some universalistic, some peaceful and some violent, some which contradict others. However, the most repeated commandment in the Torah, appearing in different forms 37 times, is the imperative to “love the stranger,” for we were strangers in the land of Egypt.

In addition to this religious dictate, Jews over history and throughout the centuries have learned in the most difficult — and sometimes horrific — ways what it means to be a stranger.

The Israeli State — and to be clear, I am not referring to the State as synonymous to Israeli people, many of whom indeed practice some form of loving strangers — the Israeli State has not only failed at any sort of “loving the stranger,” but it has, especially recently, constructed policies that are hateful and oppressive to “strangers” living in our midst..

Jewish history has been transformed by Israeli policy from a rich, complex legacy of human suffering and triumph to a stale combination of archeological findings and Biblical quotes, wielded together as weapons against human beings who happen to not be Jews, to expel them from their homes and to strip them of their land and their dignity.

I refuse to accept such a perversion of my history, religion and culture.

I once wrote that young Jews were going to respond in fury to the bill of goods they were sold in Israel, and I wonder if Rothman is not evidence for that belief.

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North Carolina is the home of many military bases. I wonder what they think about the push to have Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard.


Do you know if other democratic state parties have considered similar resolutions?

It seems to me though that Rabbis for Human Rights has opposed the system’s mistreatment of Palestinians for a while already?

I sent a letter to the top four officers of the NCDP this week urging them to adopt the resolution. …I have doubts about whether they will actually adopt it but this certainly is a good ‘first’.
I haven’t investigated to see who is behind putting it forth but I believe it might be related to the Presbyterian and Methodist churches position and debates on Israel and I/P.
There has been a flurry of human rights and other social issues bearing down on the Dems in NC lately so they may be connected or the same group. When have time will find out more about who’s involved.

Although not Jewish myself, I certainly understand the pain that many Jews experience in seeing their “love your stranger” faith contested by present-day usurpers with a different doctrine. I can equally understand the pain that many in the Democratic Party feel about having its platform hijacked by war advocates. I am not too hopeful. I admire Phil’s eternal optimism.

I see the slamming of this resolution as anti semitic is in full swing in the GOP and zio groups.

But here’s the whole text of the resolution…’s straight forward and nothing controversial about it except to Israel firsters.

WHEREAS, U.S. provides Israel $3 billion annually in military aid;
WHEREAS, the Israeli occupation, disenfranchisement and impoverishment of significant numbers of the Palestinian population, and Israel’s overwhelming military might and its role as the only nuclear power threaten stability in a region witnessing increased demands for democracy and an end to autocratic rule;
WHEREAS, Israel uses this aid to continue its illegal occupation, demolition of Palestinian homes, expansion of existing illegal settlements built on expropriated Palestinian land, and a continued blockade of essential goods from Gaza, a blockade causing a UN documented humanitarian crisis;
WHEREAS, U.S. military aid has caused increased violence and insecurity to Israelis, Palestinians, and helps subvert any prospect for peace;
WHEREAS, Israel’s human rights violations and its illegal occupation and settlements violate International and U.S. law, including the U.S. Arms Export Control Act of 1976; and
WHEREAS, the escalating tension between Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arab world in the Middle East threatens the peace and stability of the region and the world;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Carolina Democratic Party hold its elected congress members and senators accountable for helping end our government’s role in continuing the Israeli Palestinian tragedy by making the human rights of both peoples central to U.S. foreign policy by ending Israel’s illegal occupation, by advocating for a viable Palestinian state, and membership of that state in the United Nations;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the North Carolina Democratic Party urge its Congressional delegation to support the following principles that will insure a just and secure peace for both peoples, including:
Bringing all parties, including Hamas, to the table to negotiate an end to the Israeli Occupation and a secure peace based on the 1967 borders;
An immediate end to settlement expansion and removal of existing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem;An end to Palestinian house demolitions;
A halt to further construction of the wall;
An end to the Gaza blockade;
The establishment of a nuclear free zone in the Middle East;
Redirecting U.S. Military aid to Israel to promote social and economic development for peace in both Israel and Palestine;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the North Carolina Democratic Party press our NC Congressional delegation to demand the State Department implement Federal legislation that prohibits use of U.S. military aid to support human rights violations, breaches of international law and UN Security Council Resolutions’