
Obama must ‘starkly’ break with ‘ethnic group politics’ — or cede US sovereignty re Iran

Robert Merry, editor of the National Interest, has a very forceful piece attacking the idea of a war with Iran and saying that it’s time for Israel and the U.S. to get a divorce. Notice especially here the undercurrent of resentment at “ethnic-group,” “parochial” politics driving US policy. This is aimed right at the Israel lobby and the issue of conservative Jewish influence. The American discourse is waking up, the DNC platform charade has played a role. The Walt and Mearsheimer thesis is now mainstream, and watch as the Establishment begins to align itself with that understanding, rather than continue to beat it with a club.

Consider first the likely consequences of a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran—the Syrian civil war exploding into a region-wide sectarian conflict; destabilization of such nations as Bahrain, Jordan and Lebanon; obliteration of the Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement; a new Intifada in the occupied Palestinian lands; expanded terrorist activity against the West; a doubling or tripling of oil prices; a likely economic meltdown in Europe and China, with huge subsidiary damage to the U.S. economy. All of these things easily could be triggered simply by an Israeli attack on Iran; all of them likely would be worse if America got dragged into the resulting Israeli-Iranian conflict.

Second, what kind of country would America be if it ceded its sovereignty in matters of war and peace to a tiny ally that seems bent on manipulating American decision making by manipulating American domestic politics? It’s one thing to have Israel thwart America’s efforts to foster a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on Israel’s perception of its own interests; it’s quite another to allow Israel to pull the United States into a war that the American people are not prepared for and that likely would severely harm America’s economic and geopolitical interests…

All of this argues for the American president—either Obama or his successor—to separate his government starkly from the Israeli government on the matter of an attack on Iran. But what about the political backlash? It would be fierce, as anti-Iran hawks and friends of Israel throughout America go on the attack. The pro-Israel lobby would mobilize, and evangelical Christians would swarm into political action like angry hornets. Journalists would speculate widely that the president had destroyed his political standing with Jewish voters. But all this would miss the big picture….

The president would win that argument, but first he would have to demonstrate the fortitude to take it forcefully and deftly to the American people.

Such a political victory in turn would transform U.S. relations with Israel. The conventional wisdom in Washington is that interest-group politics, and particularly ethnic-group politics, drive events. That’s often true, but not when a national consensus emerges that runs counter to the parochial interests of particular groups. As Woodrow Wilson once wrote, “If [the president] rightly interpret the national thought and boldly insist upon it, he is irresistible.”

Last night it struck me that it’s time for Obama to give “The Race Speech,” the speech that honestly discussed racial politics during the ’08 campaign, but about the Israel lobby. If he did so, Americans, including most American Jews, would be on his side.

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what kind of country would America be if it ceded its sovereignty in matters of war and peace to a tiny ally that seems bent on manipulating American decision making by manipulating American domestic politics?

we’re about 90% there already.

just curious if anyone else noticed obama reference the UK as our ‘closest ally’ in his speech last night. i am surprised he hasn’t caught crap for that yet.

The national interest cats have been writing that essay for years. Phil Giraldi is owed royalties from Merry’s essay.

It’s time for Barry to make the “israel lobby speech”? Dude, Phil, brother, what fckin planet do you reside on? When Wilson wrote that, there hadn’t been a 50 year national disinformation campaign designed to confuse and obscure the “national interest” – If Barry made that speech now, he would be in effect saying, “I, along with every other national politician, official and pundit, have been LYING TO YOU FOR DECADES, and not just about this, but about a great many things”

That’s what you don’t seem to grasp, Phil. In many ways Israel is the thread that if pulled, undoes the whole sweater. And you think the guy who is now wearing the sweater is going to pull the thread? Shee-it.

Yeah, I noticed that. Doubt it was an accident. Hard to argue against too.

And what got into Bob Merry? He’s always been smart, extremely disciplined and productive, kind of understated, guy. This was boldly awesome.

The Diane Rehm show just mentioned the God/Jerusalem language vote. No one talked about how that 2/3rds claim being bunk. But hey it is being discussed. Chris Hayes bravely went out on the truth limb.