
Exile and the Prophetic: The Holy Land 5 were railroaded

This post is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page.

The Holy Land 5 were railroaded. Whatever they did or didn’t do in relation to charities and Hamas, it couldn’t have been anything that wasn’t done – and is still done – by Jewish – and non-Jewish – supporters of Israel.

The robo-calls of the Presidential campaign, which I receive by the dozens each day now, can’t change that fact. Neither Presidential campaign has touched any of the issues posed by the Holy Land Five.

In the national imagination the Holy Land 5 don’t count for much. Yet the Orwellian prison doors they live behind are important to consider. They represent the underside of an American society that honors Jews and to which we pledge our allegiance.

If as a society we decide not to allow funding of entities overseas, I’m willing to hear the arguments, if it’s done across the board. If as a society we return to the isolationist part of American history that abhors foreign entanglements, I’m willing to hear the arguments, if it’s done across the board. But if Jews can enable the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the settling of their land, then Palestinians and others can enable their own struggle against it. It’s an obvious principle of fairness.

So investigate the Holy Land 5(s) of the world and call me to testify. See what everyone is up to. I’ll say yes to that request as I did with the Holy Land Five.

In the meantime it’s better to accept the fact that if you are for justice – and will testify publicly to that effect – you’re going to be a pariah.

Pariahs are outsiders, even if they’re supposed to be insiders. In fact, the most interesting pariahs are insiders who have turned outside – for the sake of justice.

You can’t be prophetic without being a pariah. Being a pariah and being prophetic are one in the same.

You can also become a pariah by practicing injustice. Being a pariah and practicing injustice are one in the same.

Pariahdom is like a coin with two sides. When you flip the coin you don’t which side will turn up.

Pariah status is in the eyes of the beholder. As victims of anti-Semitism, Jews were once pariahs. As enablers of Israel’s abuse of power, Jews are now pariahs.

Being a pariah has risks. It also has advantages.

Being a pariah on the outside of power demands a peculiar discipline. Marginalized pariahs develop a devastating insight into the powerful. They perfect critical survival skills. One of the skills is critical thought.

Being a pariah on the inside of power demands a peculiar discipline. Empowered pariahs practice injustice as a way of life. One of the skills is censoring critical thought.

Developing critical thought, Jewish pariahs thought their own thoughts. Jewish pariahs thought for others – for the benefit of non-Jews, too.

Practicing injustice, Jewish pariahs have ceased to think for themselves. We think for others – for our own benefit.

Being a pariah isn’t a romantic idle. There are consequences no matter which side of the pariah coin you’re on.

Jews shouldn’t court pariahdom for the sake of being outsiders. However, it’s fascinating to see how often Jews have been so defined. It comes back to the essential instability of Jewish life. The two sided pariah coin is the only coin Jews have. Sometimes Jews haven’t had a choice in the matter. Today, the choice is ours.

When forced pariahs and conscious pariahs come together, they become allies against the powerful who practice injustice. On the Jewish side, the powerful define the storm as anti-Semitism. Yet the real storm facing Jewish conscience is institutionalized injustice. At one time institutionalized injustice was aimed against Jews. Now it is perpetrated by Jews in the Israeli occupation and settlements of Palestinian territory.

The Holy Land 5 were railroaded. They are the victims of institutionalized injustice, too. It’s all tied together.

Is there any option but to testify?

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The HL5 are victims of US punitive justice where the sentence is designed “pour encourager les autres” and bears no relationship to the “crime”. . The US specialises in such travesties . There are many wasting years in US prisons who wouldn’t even be jailed in Europe. For Muslims it’s “one strike and you’re out”.

Thanks for this essay. Yes, if Jews can give their own money to Israel (and engineer the far greater gift of USA’s money to Israel, by now way over $100B), then surely (as a matter of ethics) Palestinians in America should be allowed to give money to hospitals in Gaza.

But the law allows the Secretary of State to put names on a list of “terrorist organizations” (and there is a list of terrorists at Treasury also, and who knows maybe even more lists). And to the listed organizations, Americans are not allowed to give money.

And who made this sickening law? Or, to put it a bit differently, who contrived that the State of Israel and many of its quasi-governmental and private organizations are not on these American lists of terrorists?

When you walk along the south side of E. 60th Street, Manhattan, just east of the “R” subway station on 5th Avenue, see the brass plaque in the sidewalk — photo here — which celebrates NYC’s hosting of the pre-state Israeli army (freedom fighters, terrorists) which helped perpetrate Deir Yassin and the expulsion and exile of 85% of the Palestinian people in 1947-48.

RE: “The Holy Land 5 were railroaded. They are the victims of institutionalized injustice, too. It’s all tied together.” ~ Marc Ellis

MY COMMENT: Yes, they clearly appear to have been railroaded. As was Don Siegelman.


Sami Amin Al-Arian (Arabic: سامي أمين العريان‎; born January 14, 1958) is a Palestinian-American activist who was a computer engineering professor at University of South Florida. He is currently under house arrest in Northern Virginia.
During the the Clinton administration and Bush administration, he was invited to the White House. In 2000, he actively campaigned for the Bush presidential campaign in the presidential election.
He was indicted in February 2003 on 17 counts under the Patriot Act. A grand jury acquitted him on 8 counts and deadlocked on the remaining 9 counts. He later struck a plea bargain and admitted to one of the remaining charges in exchange for being released and deported by April 2007. But as his release date approached, he was indefinitely imprisoned for refusing to testify before the Virginia grand jury in a separate case. . .


♦ DOCUMENTARY: USA vs Al-Arian, 98 minutes
Film Website –
Internet Movie Database –

MARC ELLIS- “The Holy Land 5 were railroaded. They are the victims of institutionalized injustice, too. It’s all tied together.”

Indeed, it is all tied together as the laws and courts are refashioned to accommodate the needs of corporate feudalism. In many ways the predictable consequence of voting for the lesser of two evils again and again. Voting for evil one last time. Until the next time. Just like last time. Trapped on a train headed in the wrong direction but afraid to jump. Fear is a powerful thing. We have reached the end of growth, only pillage remains for the masters of the universe. Survival of the species an afterthought, if even that. For most, the good times get harder to come by without weeping. Dark times await.