
Jewish National Fund lures singles to Israel with tasteless sexual joke in NYT

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Ad on page A8 of NYT

Page A8 in the New York Times today. This is repulsive. What would your old aunt say who gets the paper? It’s against common decency. And that’s the “spirit” of Israel– humping?

The Jewish National Fund has to sell sex because the virtues of that place don’t stand on their own.

Legal discrimination, not sexy.

Ethnic cleansing, not sexy.

Brute force and violence, not sexy.

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‘J Date: Get Chosen’


I remember when Shlomo Sand was touring the UK and US for his book. The same Zionist hack gave him an earful about his interpretation of the notion of ‘Chosenness’.

Multiple times, this deranged Zionist said Sand was antisemitic because he implied ‘Chosenness’ was seen by Jews as an entitlement or something. Rather than whatever it supposedly ‘really’ is (a ‘responsibility’?).

Anyways, I’ve read quite a few other Zionists complain about the alleged decontextualization of ‘Chosenness’. Just look up Wondering Jew’s comment history.

Although the same guy also calls Judaism a ‘corporation’ – which is not very farm from the antisemite Kevin MacDonald’s thesis that Judaism is a ‘group evolutionary strategy’.

The conclusion we should take away from all of this naval contemplation and Zionist self-worship is that it’s ok to trivialize Judaism and/or Zionism if you’re a Zionist. Zionists apparently OWN Judaism. Judaism is a property of Big Zion, according to them, so you have to pay them a royalty fee (plus they need to give you the stamp of approval).

As a fan of Cruella DeVil, I beg to differ. Definitely sexy.

Pathetic. “One hump or two. …Remember the family. ”

Geesh, some of us want to forget our relatives.

JDate and JNF’s ends intersect when they promote a hump in Israel. Like Birthright, the trip’s selling point is hooking up in Israel. The only question is whether JDate is planning for the humping to happen in a fantasy Bedouin tent or if they are planning a more comfortable setting for the over 30 crowd? The JNF can supply the other fantasy and hump when the tour takes them to the site of their prospective dream home in the Negev, where real Bedouins (with or without camels)are having their real tents demolished to make way for the JNF’s planned communities. Is stealing someone else’s land a moral hump these visitors must struggle to surmount or can they be swept away by the romance of it all?

A geopolitical joke
Inspired by

This farmer was a simple but G’d-fearing person, living on the plains of the Crimea. One day he came home to his wife and told her that the Rabbi had said that soon Mashiach would come and take them all to the land of Israel. “This is terrible”, said his wife. “Don’t we have enough problems already? Who is going to tend to our chickens and look after our geese? And what about the awful sexism ? You better go straight back to the Rabbi and tell him that we can have no part in this. It will be a real disaster. Especially for our daughters” . When the husband returned to the Rabbi with his wife’s message, he told the farmer to go home and tell his wife that any day the Cossacks could come and plunder their farm and steal all their fowl. Obviously, they would be much better off when Mashiach will come and take them to the land of Israel. After the farmer related the Rabbi’s response to his wife, she contemplated what he had said and understood that he had a valid point. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “I have a perfect solution. Let Mashiach come and take the Cossacks to the land of Israel and everything will be fine.”