
‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 100: Nearly 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, injured, or are missing since October 7

As Israel’s assault on Gaza reaches 100 days, an estimated 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, injured, or are missing. Still Netanyahu declares: “No one will stop us; not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anyone else calling the ICJ.”


  • 23,968+ killed* and at least 60,582 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
  • 387+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
  • Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
  • 522 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 2,193 injured.**

*This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on January 14. Some rights groups put the death toll number closer to 31,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

**This figure is released by the Israeli military

Key Developments

  • Israel’s Netanyahu says, “No one will stop us; not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anyone else calling the International Court of Justice (ICJ).”
  • Yoav Gallant, Minister of Defence, storms out of war cabinet meeting on Saturday evening after tense argument with Netanyahu.
  • Paltel says Israeli air strike killed two workers, Bahaa Al-Rayes and Nader Abu Hajjaj, in their vehicle while they were in Khan Yunis to fix internet blackout.
  • Heavy rain and strong winds knock down tents housing displaced Palestinians and flood shelters and homes in Gaza.
  • Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA chief, says “the massive death, destruction, displacement, hunger, loss, and grief of the last 100 days are staining our shared humanity.”
  • Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: “Just About 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded since 7 October 2023 due to Israel’s ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip”
  • Overnight, Palestinians recovered bodies of 50 people after Israeli airstrikes bombed three-story residential building housing families of Al-Shubaki, Al-Zoukh, Al-Hassouna, and Al-Qassim in central Gaza City.
  • Gaza’s Ministry of Health says Israeli forces killed 337 medical staff and arrested 99 others since October, bombed 203 medical centers and clinics, destroyed 121 ambulances and damaged 30 hospitals, forcing it to stop operating completely. 
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says International Criminal Court (ICC) agreed to investigate Israel’s crimes against journalists in Gaza.
  • Namibia criticizes Germany who said it will interfere as third party to provide evidence in the ICJ case in support of Israel.

Netanyahu declares “no one will stop us” as Minister of Defence storms out of war cabinet meeting

On the 100-day mark of Israel’s aggression on the Gaza Strip, nearly 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, injured, or buried under the rubble.

Yet, Israel appears to be unabated, supported by the U.S., UK, and European countries, ignoring international calls for a ceasefire or calls to allow sufficient humanitarian aid to enter the enclave.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged on Saturday evening that the Israeli military invasion of Gaza will not stop “until complete victory.”

“No one will stop us; not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anyone else calling the International Court of Justice (ICJ),” he said.

Last week, Israel sat in the dock to face a case filed by South Africa at the ICJ accusing Tel Aviv of committing genocidal actions and collective crimes against Palestinians in Gaza, including indiscriminate bombings, destroying schools and public institutions, and officials’ statements that incited the annihilation Palestinians.

Netanyahu said South Africa’s case was an “international defamation campaign [that] will not weaken our hands or weaken our determination to fight to the end.”

However, as Netanyahu was making his speech, hundreds of Israelis traveled to his home in the coastal town of Caesarea, and other cities, calling him to resign and to bring on an early election as well as releasing Israeli captives in Gaza.

Benny Gantz, an opposition figure and a war cabinet member, was among the 120,000 Tel Aviv protesters on Saturday evening. 

Israel has failed so far to achieve any of the goals it declared for the war in Gaza since October. Hamas movement is still fighting Israeli forces; the army returned none of the Israeli captives alive in military operations, while Gaza is still a Palestinian stronghold for resistance against occupation.

Aside from dealing with protestors and a corruption trial, Netanyahu also faces tensions inside the war cabinet after Yoav Gallant, the Minister of Defence, stormed out of a meeting on Saturday evening, the Times of Israel reported.

Gallant argued with Netanyahu over the exclusion of aides in the war cabinet meeting after his chief of staff was not allowed in on Saturday. At the same time, Netanyahu brought five personal aides to the meeting.

“Stop getting in the way of my work,” Gallant told Netanyahu before storming out of the room.

Gaza is under internet blackout, again, as rainwater floods and leaks into tents and shelters

For the past three days, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been under internet and mobile services blackout.

The Palestine Telecommunications Company (Paltel) said on Saturday that an Israeli air strike killed two workers, Bahaa Al-Rayes and Nader Abu Hajjaj, in their vehicle while they were in Khan Yunis, south of Gaza, to fix the communication outage. PalTel added that since October, 13 members of staff were killed by Israel in Gaza.

Heavy rains overnight flooded and leaked into tents, schools, and homes of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Wafa news correspondent reported.

In some parts, rainwater was mixed with sewage as Israeli bombardment destroyed urban infrastructure, while water leaked into schools and homes from damaged and cracked roofs and walls. Tents in Jabalia, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahia in north Gaza fell over due to heavy rainwater and strong winds, Wafa reported. 

Several shelters in Gaza City’s Al-Zaytoun, Al-Shuja’iya, Al-Daraj, and Al-Tuffah neighborhoods were flooded by rainwater on Sunday morning.

In Gaza, “the past 100 days have felt like 100 years”

Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner-General of the UN refugee agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), said that after 100 days of devastation in the Gaza Strip, “the massive death, destruction, displacement, hunger, loss, and grief… are staining our shared humanity.”

UNRWA schools-turned-shelters have been a lifeline for thousands of Palestinians after Israel destroyed their homes and displaced them. Israel has killed over 140 UN workers in Gaza, and UNRWA offices and crews have been targeted several times in different locations since October 7.

“In the past 100 days, sustained bombardment across the Gaza Strip caused the mass displacement of a population that is in a state of flux –   constantly uprooted and forced to leave overnight, only to move to places which are just as unsafe. This has been the largest displacement of the Palestinian people since 1948,” Lazzarini said on Saturday.

UNRWA schools are now housing nearly 1.4 million displaced Palestinians, but unlike home, they lack privacy, proper hygiene, and sufficient food and live in overcrowded rooms.

The UNRWA chief added, “the crisis in Gaza is a man-made disaster compounded by dehumanizing language and the use of food, water and fuel as instruments of war.”

UNRWA officials had called for a permanent ceasefire since October and for securing a constant entrance of enough medicine, water and fuel, but to no avail. 

“For the people of Gaza, the past 100 days have felt like 100 years,” Lazzarini added.

Israeli forces bomb Palestinian houses in Gaza 

In the past 24 hours, Palestinians recovered the bodies of 50 people after Israeli airstrikes bombed a three-story residential building that housed the Al-Shubaki, Al-Zoukh, Al-Hassouna, and Al-Qassim families in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City.

Israeli artillery shelling killed five Palestinians and injured at least 10 people in the Al-Sabra and Al-Zaytoun neighborhoods in Gaza City on Saturday evening.

Israel’s navy and artillery forces also bombed several houses in the seaside areas of Tal Al-Hawa and Sheikh Ajleen, west of Gaza City, Wafa reported.

In central Gaza’s Al-Sawarha area, Al-Maghazi and Al-Breij camps, Israel killed a total of nine Palestinians in numerous bombardments overnight. Medical crews took the bodies and those injured to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, which was also targeted by Israel on Friday, in Deir Al-Balah.

Wafa reported that Israeli raids killed 30 Palestinians in Khan Younis overnight and another 23 people after bombing a vehicle and two houses in the southern city of Rafah. 

On Sunday, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that Israeli forces have killed 337 medical staff and arrested 99 others since October, and that it bombed 203 medical centers and clinics, destroyed 121 ambulances, and damaged 30 hospitals, forcing them to stop operating completely. 

The ministry said that in the past 24 hours, Israel committed 11 massacres, killing 125 people and injuring 265 others. Since October, the ministry said that Israel killed 23,968 Palestinian martyrs and injured at least 60,582 people. An estimated 8,000 Palestinians remain missing under the rubble and are believed to be dead.

“For the past 100 days, the international community failed to provide a humanitarian route to grant the supply of medical assistance and the travel of injured [outside Gaza for treatment] away from Israeli occupation restrictions,” the ministry said in a statement on Telegram channel. 

Last week, Nagham Abu Samra, a Palestinian athlete, died while being treated in Egypt from injuries sustained in an Israeli bombardment in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp.

Abu Samra was part of the Palestine Olympic team for Karate, and she trained martial arts in a center in Gaza. Her brother was killed in the Israeli bombardment, while she was placed in the intensive care unit and her leg was amputated. She lived a month in coma before succumbing to her wounds in Egypt. 

International Criminal Court to investigate killing of journalists in Gaza

On Saturday, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said that the International Criminal Court (ICC) agreed to investigate Israel’s crimes against journalists in Gaza.

“Journalists are protected by international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute, and must not under any circumstances be targeted in the exercise of their important mission,” the ICC chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, said in a message sent to RSF.

Over 100 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza Strip, at least 18 of them while working on the ground since October.

Following the hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) this week, the potential ICC investigation is another front that Israeli officials could face.

On Sunday, Namibia criticized Germany, which said that it would interfere as a third party to provide evidence in the ICJ case in support of Israel.

“Germany has chosen to defend in the ICJ the genocidal and gruesome acts of the Israeli government against innocent civilians in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian Territories,” Hage Geingob, the president of Namibia, said in a statement on X.

In the early 1900s, colonial Germany committed atrocities in Namibia, killing tens of thousands of citizens. 

“Germany cannot morally express commitment to the United Nations Convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in Namibia, whilst supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide in Gaza,” the Namibian presidency said.

An estimated 400,000 rallied for Gaza in Washington DC on January 13, 2023 as part of a worldwide day of protest in solidarity with the Palestinians. (Photo: American Muslims for Palestine)
An estimated 400,000 rallied for Gaza in Washington, DC, on January 13, 2023, as part of a worldwide day of protest in solidarity with the Palestinians. (Photo: American Muslims for Palestine)

Hundreds of thousands of protesters rally worldwide in support of Gaza

On Saturday, from London to Washington, hundreds of thousands of people marched in over 60 cities around the world calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

In Washington, an estimated 400,000 Americans marched on the Freedom Plaza, rejecting U.S. complicity in Israeli war crimes and chanting “Ceasefire now,” “Free Palestine,” “Stop the war on Gaza,” and “Stop funding genocide.”

Speakers close to the White House urged President Joe Biden to end U.S. financial and military support for Israel.

Other rallies took place in Paris, Amsterdam, Oslo, Milan, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Jakarta, to name a few.

Hamas says it lost communication with unit in charge of four captive Israeli soldiers

In the past 24 hours, the Israeli military said that 522 Israeli soldiers have been killed in battles with Palestinian fighters in Gaza.

Hamas armed wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, released a video of firing the 105mm Al-Yaseen anti-tank shells in Khan Younis, where heated battles are taking place.

Before firing one of Al-Yaseen shells, a Palestinian fighter is heard dedicating the bombing of an Israeli armored vehicle to Saleh Al-Aruri, the Hamas deputy political leader assassinated by Israel in Beirut in early January.

Hamas also said that it lost communication with the groups charged with four Israeli soldiers, who were taken captives in the 2014 war. It released a video confirming that their status remains vague.

In another video Islamic Jihad fighters fired mortar shells on Israeli military stations and detonated a mine field in Israeli forces, east of Gaza.

Israeli forces arrest sisters of Saleh Al-Aruri in Ramallah

Israel arrested the two sisters of Saleh Al-Aruri from his hometown in Arura, near Ramallah, on Saturday evening.

In the past 24 hours, Israel arrested 25 Palestinians from Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Jenin.

On Saturday, at least 15 Palestinian workers from Gaza were detained in Bidya village in Salfit, north of the occupied West Bank.

The Prisoners’ Club and the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority said 5,875 Palestinians have been arrested by Israel since October.

Some Palestinian prisoners have been languishing in Israeli jails for over two decades. Muammar Asaad Abdullah Sabah, 45, from Jenin, entered his 22nd consecutive year in jail on Sunday, he has been serving a 23-year sentence since 2003, Wafa reported.

Overnight, Israeli forces raided Jenin town, Al-Faraa refugee camp, south of Tubas, arrested a number of Palestinians, and vandalized and damaged urban infrastructure and properties. It also raided Salfit, Hebron, and Nablus

In Jericho, Israeli forces killed Louay Al-Sufi in Ain Al-Sultan refugee camp on Sunday afternoon, and another Palestinian was killed north of Hebron.

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IMO one the big, big questions behind all of this is whether or not Israel is good for the Jews, and whether Israel actually has anything to do with Judaism ( I have maintained that it doesn’t ). Of course the mainstream view is that Israel is somehow a symbol practically identical with Jewishness, but there is no shortage of people questioning that view. Here is an alternate view discussed in the New York Times (!) today –

Is Israel Part of What It Means to Be Jewish?….Mr. [Shaul] Magid’s outlook is one of several burgeoning visions for the future of Jewish life that fall under the umbrella of “diasporism.” The idea has been getting a new look since Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel three months ago and Israel’s pulverizing bombing campaign and invasion in Gaza. Those events have forced Jews everywhere to reckon anew with what they think about Israel and the central role it plays in Jewish life — the kind of charged moment when members of spiritual communities can ask themselves what really matters, and sometimes reach radically different conclusions….Zionism, at least at its most doctrinaire, insists a Jew can achieve total realization as a Jew only by living in Israel. Shlilat ha-golah, Hebrew for “negation of the exile,” was an early Zionist slogan….Diasporism, by contrast, holds the inverse: that Jews must embrace marginality and a certain estrangement from Israel the country, and perhaps even Israel the place. “Anybody who cares seriously about being a Jew,” goes an epigraph to Mr. Magid’s book from the late American theologian Eugene Borowitz, “is in Exile and would be in Exile even if that person were in Jerusalem.”….And for most Jews, Oct. 7, in which Hamas killed or kidnapped nearly 1,500 Israelis, provoked solidarity and viscerally reminded them of Israel’s raison d’être….But some Jews have been repelled by Israel’s military response, which has killed approximately 23,000, according to Gazan officials. Membership in IfNotNow, an American Jewish group critical of Israel, has more than doubled since Oct. 7, according to a spokesman….

And for another viewpoint, here’s a cartoon by Eli Valley from Jewish Currents:

“Israel’s Defense”

Coverage| Brutal Demolition and Gunfire in West Bank: IOF Wounds Young Man

The occupation forces unleashed havoc and destruction in the city of Qalqilya and left a young man injured from gunfire. The forces, accompanied by three military bulldozers, launched a surprise attack on the city from various directions, primarily targeting the areas of Khallet Yassin and Al-Marj.

According to local sources, the occupation forces laid siege to a house belonging to Saleh Mustafa Abu Saleh, a freed prisoner, under the excuse of an alleged permit violation. The bulldozers wasted no time in demolishing the house, leaving Abu Saleh and his family homeless.

Unyielding Resistance: Al-Aqsa Flood Ravages Gaza as Occupation’s Genocide Continues

In a relentless display of aggression, the Israeli occupation shows no signs of subsiding on the 101st day of its ruthless attacks against Gaza. Targeting multiple areas within the center and south of the Gaza Strip, the occupation’s raids intensified on the night that marked the end of 100 days of unyielding war. However, despite this prolonged assault, the occupation has yet to achieve its stated military objectives.