
Biden is sending Israel another $1 billion in weapons

The move comes days after a State Department report that documents likely international humanitarian violations by Israel.

Congressional aides say that the Biden administration will send Israel another $1 billion in weapons and ammunition. The package includes roughly $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million for tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds.

The move comes amid rising tensions over a potential military invasion of Rafah, a town in Southern Gaza.

The story was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

This is the first arms shipment The White House has announced since it paused a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel last week. In an interview with CNN Biden admitted that  “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs.”

Biden faced backlash from both sides of the aisle over his decision. GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson accused Biden of “trying to dictate … and micromanage the war” and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed the President was “taking the side of these terrorists.”

Twenty-six House Democrats sent an open letter to the administration criticizing the move. “We are deeply concerned about the message the Administration is sending to Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist proxies by withholding weapons shipments to Israel, during a critical moment in the negotiations,” it reads. “With democracy under assault around the world, we cannot undermine our ally Israel, especially in her greatest hour of need. America’s commitments must always be ironclad.”

This week, Republicans are expected to advance a House bill that would mandate the delivery of offensive weapons to Israel. It’s unlikely that such legislation could pass the Senate and Biden has already indicated he’d veto it, but some pro-Israel Democrats have indicated they would still vote for it.

“I have a general rule of supporting pro-Israel legislation unless it includes a poison pill — like cuts to domestic policy,” said Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY).

Just days ago, the State Department released a report concluding that it was “reasonable to assess” Israel had used U.S. weapons in ways that were “inconsistent” with international law but credited the country for allegedly investigating these incidents.

“We still believe it is — would be a mistake to launch a major military operation into the heart of Rafah that would put huge numbers of civilians at risk without a clear strategic gain,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday. “The President was clear that he would not supply certain offensive weapons for such an operation, were it to occur.  It has not yet occurred.  And we are still working with Israel on a better way to ensure the defeat of Hamas everywhere in Gaza, including in Rafah.  This has been the subject of detailed conversations between our professionals, and I discussed this again with my Israeli counterpart just yesterday.”

It’s unclear when the additional weapons will be sent. Aides said the shipment was not part of last month’s massive foreign aid package, which means it will have to go through the usual congressional process.

Israel has killed more than 35,000 people since the country began its assault on Gaza last October.

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Listen up…. You can bet rap loving Ari Melber will not be having this rapper on “The Beat”

Rap song about Palestinians being killed by Israel.. The apartheid state of Israel

Juan Cole’s take on HRC’s arrogant and destructive comments about protesting students.

I made comments about HRC and Joe Scarborough dismissive and insulting comments about protesting students at Morning Joe’s fb page as soon as they made those very stupid comments.

Gaza will likely not be rebuilt so long as Hamas rules Gaza. Or that Palestinians will achieve liberation under Hamas. There is a way forward that has essentially been unreported. The military wing of Hamas to disarm…. as they proposed

Isn’t it time to recognise the role that Christian Zionists like Biden, (and Evangelicals), play in encouraging – if not directing – the ethnic cleansing of “Arabs” from “Palestinian Zion”, the Jewish colonisation of which is prophesied to pave the way for the Second Coming.

Biden’s ever shifting “red line” when it comes to how many innocent Palestinians Israel has and will continue to massacre, is non existent. The blood,the bodies, the lives of slaughtered, mangled innocent Palestinian children, women, men keep being wrapped in white shrouds and piled up without names, without importance on Biden’s ever changing “red line.”

So outrageous, criminal, shameful, painful to witness the U.S. being part of this genocide. Even though our U.S. history is filled with committing genocide against others. Endless wrongs do not make this genocide right. Still so many of us wonder if anything we have done to try to stop Israel’s massacre of innocent Palestinians has done anything substantive to manifest a complete ceasefire?

I am hearing more and more older human rights and social justice activist say they are committed to being “non-committed” voters/non voters. They will not be voting for Biden. Willing to possibly watch the whole place burn down under Trump. I am conflicted, not sure what I am going to do. Although know or sure I will not be putting any time in for the Biden campaign, the way I did last time around. Four years ago I purposely put my fears about his historical war hawk stances unbridled support for Israel over the decades, Iraq ) to the side and pounded the pavement, knocked on doors, made phone calls,convinced others in Ohio and Colorado to do so as well. Will not be doing this time around. Not sure about being “non-committed.” Not that it matters in Ohio. Trump owns the majority of voters.

I am convinced Biden is burying the possibility that he will be re-elected in November. Fulfilling one of BB’s and his radical, right wing henchmen’s collective commitment to Amalek and taking down Biden along with the massacred, innocent Palestinians.


Never, ever on any maps put up by MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CSpan, BBC, PBS, DW etc etc do they ever show how the West Bank etc have been carved up by illegal settlements, theft etc……swiss cheese maps. Never ever show maps showing the West Bank etc the way it is

Not much being written anymore about Israel’s latest effort to steal more land