
Michael Arria


After pro-Israel Rep. Haley Stevens beat fellow House member Andy Levin in Michigan’s 11th district this week, with almost $5 million worth of help from AIPAC’s superpac, the Israel lobby group declared that Stevens’s win “reflects mainstream Democratic views and demonstrates that being pro-Israel is both good policy and good politics!” But new polling shows that Democrats support BDS targeting Israel by 33-10; and a third of Dems say their Congressperson leans more toward Israel than they do — while only 3 percent say they lean too much toward Palestine.

Miloon Kothari

In a letter to UN Human Rights Council President Nazhat Khan, UN official Navi Pillay defends her colleague Miloon Kothari against accusations of antisemitism from pro-Israel groups, Israeli lawmakers, and U.S. officials following his interview with Mondoweiss, saying his comments “seem to have deliberately been taken out of context.”

The attacks on Kothari appear to be part of a concerted effort to undermine the UN Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which the United States and Israel have opposed since it was created in 2021.