
Benny Gantz


Benny Gantz is the “liberal” white knight who was going to save Israel from Netanyahu, by becoming “alternate Prime Minister.” He has been outfoxed again and again and now Israel appears headed to a fourth election in two years with Gantz’s party polling at a miserable six seats and a politician to Netanyahu’s right threatening to become the “Just not Netanyahu” candidate.

Maher Al-Akhras, a Palestinian man of 49 who has been detained repeatedly by Israel, is today in Day 78 of a hunger strike that has brought him close to death. Arrested in July without charges and held at an Israeli hospital since September, the West Bank man has refused an offer to be released next month, demanding his release now in the name of all Palestinian detainees.

Benny Gantz, who became an American liberal Zionist hero over the last 18 months as he tried to replace Netanyahu– and then folded–spoke at a Friends of Israel Defense Forces gala of a “people’s army” that protects the “Jewish homeland” and draws its ranks from “every walk of life… every type of background.” But very few Palestinians serve in the Israeli army. Only Jews are required to do so.