
Seinfeld’s Rabbi Friend Says Jews, Notwithstanding Success, Are ‘Endangered,’ Must Always Be On Guard

"Jews must always be on guard," Rabbi Martin Hier, dean of the Wiesenthal Center, told a "small group of business professionals" in New York, according to the New York Jewish Week.

the enormous achievements of American Jewry, particularly after World
War II, Rabbi Hier spoke of the need for constant vigilance, stressing
the global threat of jihadists seeking sophisticated weapons of
destruction, and how we must “stay alert and fight our enemies" … he considers Jews today “an endangered species” and that
Jews in this country owe a debt of gratitude to the State of Israel for
“giving us a sense of pride.”…

[S]ome Jews view Israel as a “safe haven
for ‘just in case,’” but he says that’s not what Israel should mean” to
diaspora Jewry. Rather, American Jews should recognize their
interconnectedness with the fate of Israel and do all they can to
support the Jewish state.

The article reports that Hier lately went to Israel with prominent Hollywood Jews, comedian Jerry Seinfeld and entertainment executive Jeffrey Katzenberg. Do they share his view that Jews are endangered and threatened?

And do we have a spiritual obligation, as highly-successful Americans, while we are doing all we can to support the Jewish state, to see ourselves as others see us?

Pope Benedict is ashamed of the pedophilia in the Catholic church. I am ashamed of the Jewish treatment of Palestinians.

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