Michelle Seemed Stepfordish

I found Michelle Obama's speech really unimpressive.

I'm as moved as anyone by her presence, but the speech seemed so fake. She hadn't written one word of it, at least it felt that way, and there was little feel for the real Michelle. The repeated "You see,"s to start sentences; I counted four times. "Folks" once or twice. The big sunny smile and Hallmark sentiments. It felt like someone trying to put forward an image of herself that's fraudulent. I respect Michelle a lot, I like her seriousness, her height, her strength, her fierceness, her intelligence; I saw her doing a panel with military wives a few weeks back on C-Span and there was no fakery. This seemed Stepfordish, suburban. The only part I really liked was at the end, the back and forth with dad in Kansas City. Though he was typically awkward playing middle-class in those folks' house (TV has ruined American politics), but you could see how much he loves his wife and girls, and vice versa. That was sweet and unrehearsed.

Also: Keith Olbermann came in at the end of the speech saying repeatedly, "Case closed" in Michelle's favor. Why is this guy emulating Fox News from the left?

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