Dumb show: ‘Washington Post”s covers Freeman exit without using the word ‘lobby’!

This is amazing. A nominee for a high intelligence position bows out of the job under fierce political attack and issues a blistering statement that the Israel lobby is endangering our national security by smearing anybody who disagrees with it and the Washington Post prints a long piece about his exit and says nothing about his assertions! The Post's reporter Walter Pincus selectively quotes from Chas Freeman's great soliloquy. This goes beyond milquetoast to misrepresentation, and an insult to readers. The Times is far more forthcoming, though it too stopped short of a full report:

Mr. Freeman blamed pro-Israel groups for the controversy, saying the
“tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency
and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the
willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an
utter disregard for the truth."

Who is the Post protecting? And why? By the way, Pincus does put the White House all over Freeman's withdrawal, saying that Rahm Emanuel and Steve Israel confabbed on the deal. Oh: Jews are outsiders in American life.

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