
Netanyahu would deny Palestinians 4 rights of any sovereign state, and ‘Washington Post’ won’t tell you that

I am continually amazed by how the internet has empowered "non-writers" to become equal players in the discourse to "writers." As someone who loves writing, I love this process (though it's sure doing a number on the press, and my income!). To wit, below is a brilliant letter by Bruce Wolman, of Bethesda, who in his cover note to me speculates that the American press may be unconsciously preparing to make Bibi Netanyahu warm and acceptable, as they once did for Ariel Sharon. Wolman's letter is to journalist Howard Schneider, who penned this article in the Washington Post on the likely clash between Netanyahu and Obama. Wolman:

Mr. Schneider,

In your article in today's WaPo, "Israeli Coalition Appears Fated to Clash With U.S.", I noticed an incomplete description of Netanyahu's views on Palestinian self-governance.

You quoted [Netanyahu aide Ron] Dermer:

Netanyahu himself, said Dermer, "believes the Palestinians should have all the powers necessary for self-governance," but "without the handful of powers that could be used to endanger Israel."

And then outside of quotes you followed with:

That could mean, for example, a state with no army and limited control over its airspace.
It is ambiguous whether these examples were given by Dermer or by you.
But there is no need for examples, as there is no ambiguity about what Netanyahu means. From Haaretz:

Netanyahu seeks to deny the Palestinians four rights of any sovereign state: control of its airspace; control of its electromagnetic spectrum; the right to maintain an army and to sign military alliances; and, most importantly, control of the border crossings where arms and terrorists could pass. Netanyahu believes Israel must retain all of these.

Perhaps, you are not aware of these views by Netanyahu. I would think that denying Palestinians control over their borders is worthy of mention, so I bring it to your attention.

As an aside, I'm curious to know whether Netanyahu believes the Palestinians should have any control over their water.


Bruce Wolman
Bethesda, MD

Yesterday I was interviewed on Iranian TV along with two smart guys and when asked a question, said, "I will use Israeli soldiers' slang. AMAL. I have nothing to add." AMAL.

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