Once a canard, ‘Israel lobby’ idea is getting naturalized. Yippee

The Independent in UK says, The lobby cut Obama's hamstring muscles:

The victory of Mr Obama, who as a child lived in a Muslim country,
raised hopes that he would see the Middle East through radically
different eyes. But the new administration's deeds have been cautious.
The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has hewed to a conventional
line, while Dennis Ross, her special adviser for Iran and Gulf issues,
is seen as sympathetic to Israel.

Times of London is also routinely using the term, The Israel lobby here.

But The Weekly Standard says there is no lobby. They ransacked Capitol Hill and no one there says they've ever been pressured. Whew.

And what about when Ford wanted to reassess the relationship in light of the colonization of the West Bank? Or when Bush I challenged Shamir over the colonies 15 years later? Or when Bush I and Clinton ran against one another in '92 both offering support for the colonies? Was that the American interest talking? Or the lobby?

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