
2 days and counting: ‘NY Times’ fails to correct Israeli gov’t misrepresentations about the killing of a demonstrator

Two days ago, the New York Times published the following statement by the Israeli army, defending the killing on Friday of Bassam Ibrahim Abu Rahmah during a demonstration in the West Bank:

An Israeli military spokeswoman said security forces had been trying to disperse a violent demonstration during which people threw stones and other objects. She said the army was checking the report about the Palestinian death and had asked if they could join Palestinian officials in investigating the cause of death.

This website has published evidence that these claims are false. Here, and here, for starters: videos showing that the demonstration was not violent, that there were just a handful of people on hand, and that Abu Rahmah was doing nothing but shouting when he was killed.

Israelis have this information. Hundreds of people came out for a demonstration in Tel Aviv yesterday, at which Haaretz reported that the rally organizers states:

"Snipers shooting live rounds have become a commonly-used implement of demonstration dispersal. Open season has been declared on demonstrators, and their blood continues to be spilled."

Imagine if the Times had said that the National Guardsmen at Kent State University were provoked by student violence in May 1970, when they gunned down four students.  How long before the Times corrects the Israeli military's misrepresentations? 

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