Lobby’s fingerprints are on congressional letter. ‘Tee-hee,’ says Washington Post

The Washington Post is reporting that a recent letter to Obama on the peace process (saying we're on Israel's side and Palestinians have to build institutions to allow a "viable" state), signed by congressional leaders Steny Hoyer and Eric Cantor, which AIPAC lobbied for other congressmen to sign on to, has the lobby's fingerprints. "Curiously, when we opened the attachment, we noticed it was named 'AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf.'" Here's that letter.

The Post's Al Kamen asks, "Is that how this stuff works?" This is insulting, and disingenuous. Insulting because the issue of how policy is made is so important.

Yglesias is on this, too: "the substance of this letter is to try to make people think there will
be a domestic price to be paid for any serious effort to push for a
solution." Smart.

Why isn't this a big story? Because it's never a big story. The big papers ignore it or smear the discussants. And the State Department says that to talk about this stuff is anti-Semitic.

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