‘Huffpo’ contrasts treatment of Maxine Waters and warmaking Jane Harman

At Huffpo, Mimi Kennedy contrasts the treatment of Maxine Waters to the benediction granted to Jane Harman, whose husband Sidney is now the owner of Newsweek. Not a word about the Israel lobby, but it is between the lines. And yes, I say, the lib-left is finally accepting that the issue belongs to them…

Jane never met a war she didn’t like. And she was content to have Americans wiretapped without their consent, for security, until she was wiretapped secretly – then her reaction was outrage. It was a striking example of exceptionalism as the default psychology of those who believe power can be held by force. …

Why is Waters attacked for something remotely involving her husband while Harman, as her husband buys ownership of a major news outlet from which Americans receive information that shapes their world view, receives no questions at all?

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