
Why this fund drive is important for us

The urgency of  this fund-drive is that we need reader support to institutionalize our website or it will begin to stagger (and ultimately disappear).

We’ve always said that we would be happy to be put out of business in an eye-blink if the American mainstream media would cover our issues fairly. But they won’t. They are afraid. I have journo friends who say, in essence, I wish I could write about the issues you folks cover, but it would be career suicide. This means we still have an important job to perform. For we continue to believe that the Israel/Palestine issue is at the crux of international justice questions and at the crux of our country’s lost way in the Middle East.

Donate to now
to keep open the free flow of information about the Middle East

For five years we’ve run this site as a labor of love, and Adam Horowitz and I were able to sustain that commitment. But we often put in seven days a week, and we’re both burning out. We followed through on earlier vows, to professionalize the site, to make our posts more reliable, newsy and diverse. Today professionalization means trying to get the two co-editors (us) a halfway-decent wage, and hire an assistant.

We’ve raised over $10,000 in the first week of the drive, and we can’t tell you how much we appreciate it! Right now, we will be trying to find foundations to help us, and wealthy individuals, but it is readers’ support has been vital, and we’re very grateful. If you haven’t yet — please donate to ensure the life of the site.

We want to rise to the challenge we’ve issued to ourselves, we want to grow personally and as a site. Thank you for your attention, and support.

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