‘Huffpo’ gives Ginsberg platform to push for illegal covert war against Iran

Marc Ginsberg
Marc Ginsberg

The Democratic Party is in a shambles over the Iran question. Marc Ginsberg, former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco under Clinton, has just used the pages of the I-thought-it-was-liberal Huffington Post to try and undermine Leon Panetta’s reluctance to use force against Iran, and to push a policy of internationally illegal assassinations, sabotage, and covert war against Iran:

when the Secretary of Defense bares his understandable hesitations against the use of military force, which he did last Friday — no matter how meritorious they are — it only undermines the signals his administration is broadcasting…

More robust and coordinated covert action by western and Arab nations against Iran’s nuclear facilities must become an urgent priority. Mysterious computer viruses such as the Stuxnet worm, undeniably set back Iran’s spinning uranium enrichment centrifuges. But their success was short lived. Assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists may have created a climate of fear, but also have not prevented Iran from moving more quickly to its finish line.

Last week’s “accidental” explosion which destroyed one of Iran’s largest solid-fuel missile construction bases was a gift that may keep on giving. It not only killed a key Revolutionary Guard commander in charge of missile solid fuel rocket development, the explosion also compels Iran to rely more on liquid fuel missiles that are easier to detect on the ground via satellite surveillance.

The escalating use of stealth drones conducting surveillance above Iran is an indication that the administration is not reluctant to push the covert envelope. The question is what to do with the treasure trove of data the drone surveillance program yielded?

Accidents do happen. Bigger “accidents” are needed. Rather than relying further on economic sanctions, we need a more effective “accidents regime” that may do what economic sanctions have failed to do. Of course, Iran has demonstrated a huge tolerance for international isolation and economic pain. There is no assurance that escalating covert action will achieve a better outcome than economic sanctions… but its worth the risk given the stakes involved.

There are targets aplenty throughout Iran, including remote pipelines, ships bound for Iran supplying oil distillates, banking computer networks, and aviation facilities. And the regime has a lot of enemies, including many of its own citizens to do the dirty work. No return U.S. address needed.

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“There is no assurance that escalating covert action will achieve a better outcome than economic sanctions… but its worth the risk given the stakes involved.”

Yeah, let’s pick some more out of Dick and Jane’s shabby wallet and purse, and send their kids over there if need be. Bad enough nearly our entire Congress is chickenhawk, but guys like Ginsberg most clearly reveal their loyalty priority to a foreign country, one that exhibits America’s highest values for only one ethnic demography of its whole. Too bad they are not NASCAR racing cars with their sponsor’s logo plastered all over them. Or maybe they could be identified in the same way Israel does its Jewish versus non-Jewish citizens?

“There are targets aplenty throughout Iran, including remote pipelines,
ships bound for Iran supplying oil distillates, banking computer networks, and aviation facilities.”
My proposition is to put all those warmongers , like this Ginsberg creep, “on ship bound for Iran”, and then have an “accident”.
No tears would be shed.
BTW, on this picture he looks like he is growing some snake, reptile fangs.

haha! man, these keyboard warriors are something else…

“There are targets aplenty throughout Iran, including remote pipelines, ships bound for Iran supplying oil distillates, banking computer networks, and aviation facilities. And the regime has a lot of enemies, including many of its own citizens to do the dirty work. No return U.S. address needed.”

— yea, lets kill a bunch of civilians: pipeline workers, ship crews, oil refinery workers, airplane mechanics, IT guys – hell we can even get some of their countrymen to do it for us!! Dont even have to get “our” hands dirty! What a brave, courageous man Marc Ginsberg is….

And the regime has a lot of enemies, including many of its own citizens to do the dirty work. No return U.S. address needed.

Yea, and I’m sure those citizens would love to be fodder for the Ziocons.

There are american targets aplenty throughout Afghanistan including remote supply lines, trucks bound for Afghanistan supplying oil distillates, information computer networks, and aviation facilities.”