
West Virginia newspaper: ‘Apartheid imposed on Palestinians’

We are climbing Jacob’s ladder! From the Charleston, WV, Sunday Gazette-Mail: “Apartheid: Imposed on Palestinians:”

Nearly a half-century has passed since Israel seized the West Bank in a 1967 war. Repeatedly, the United Nations has mandated that the captured land be returned to Palestinians, but more and more settlements by fervent Jews are imposed on the conquered territory.

In 1993, when the Oslo Accord promised Palestinians a homeland, only 200,000 Jews lived in the illicit colonies, but the number has soared past 500,000 with no limit in sight. The settlers enjoy privileged living under protection of Israeli soldiers, while Palestinians mostly languish in poverty.

A 2010 Human Rights Watch report said Israel’s armed rule of the West Bank provides “preferential services, development and benefits for Jewish settlers while imposing harsh conditions on Palestinians.” Bishop Tutu added: “This, in my book, is apartheid.”

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Deluded would be an acceptable substitute

You should read the comments Philip ,
that was too right wing even in my book.

The four comments the editorial attracted so far display 100% ignorance, or 100% hasbara, depending how one reads them!

But read the bloody comments! (4 so far, and all nutty.)
