
Video: Israeli kids in the army museum (‘I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy’)


For more on filmmaker Itamar Rose see here, and for more on the militarization of Israeli society check out the organization New Profile.

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When all this is over, these kids are going to need a whole lot of rehabilitation, like Germany after 1945.

Crying shame…….

Good old Aravim. Kill them all.

In other parts of the world 10 year old boys talk about cars and tractors rather than tanks.

And if a Palestinian child said: “I picture a dead Jew and that makes me happy” it would be Exhibit A on how the Arabs are irredeemably antisemitic or some similar garbage.

How did the Merkava do in southern Lebanon?

The militarism is one thing – but the religious belief in the supremacy of the IDF is another, at least to me. The Israeli’s are really the only people left who hold the IDF in high regard; in other words, there are plenty of Lebanese who can’t wait for that kid and his tank to come across the border again.


From the craddle to the grave…….

What can one expect from such a society that brings up one’s children in such away…….?

You check the children’s playgrounds in Israel.
Many of them also have military gadgets to play with.

Great Video. An eye-opener for those who want to see.