American Jewish Leader Tells Iranian People to Abandon Dreams of ‘Hegemony’

Here's Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations addressing the Iranian people, with Farsi subtitles, telling them that "we" (the Jews, the U.S.) want to have a close relationship with the Iranians again, to help them prosper, if they will just give up their nuclear dreams. Here's MJ Rosenberg skewering Hoenlein for presuming to represent the Jews.

I notice that Hoenlein says that the Iranians are seeking "hegemony" in the region. Is that such a bad thing? Realists say that all states seek hegemony in their region, as a way to protect themselves. It's why the Israelis sought nuclear weapons more than 40 years ago, without the international outcry. Trita Parsi says that Tehran and Jerusalem have battled for hegemony for centuries. The Israelis have hegemony now. What if the Israelis offered to give up their nukes in order that Tehran would abandon its schemes? Would never happen, right? Chomsky's right, true nonproliferation's the best answer.

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