Doddering John (McCain Makes 3rd Geographical Error)

I changed parties to vote for McCain 8 years ago. I’ve always liked him. That said, it’s clear to me that one reason he’ll lose big is that he is doddering. He’s weak on important geographical details. Two days back on Good Morning America he stated that Iraq and Pakistan share a border. That’s his third geographical goof. Its predecessors were stating that Iran is training Al Qaeda operatives, thereby exposing his ignorance of the difference between Sunni and Shia, and referring to “Czechoslovakia,” which hasn’t existed for about 15 years, replaced by two countries. People have treated these lapses as trivial. I think they’re significant of a real problem, he’s indifferent to/unable to grasp the sort of details that are essential to statecraft. Expect more and more of these blunders, and better yet, expect it to become an issue.

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