
‘Palestinian Civilization Is Being Destroyed in Gaza’–Ireland’s Former President

How long can Americans deny international consensus?

A human rights group founded by Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, with the likes of Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter, lately visited  Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, with sadly predictable consequences:

President Robinson noted a startling deterioration in humanitarian
conditions since her last visit in 2000 when she was UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights:

“Restricted access and limited movement of persons and goods
severely impacts the enjoyment of human rights such as health,
education, decent work, and the right to live free from violence. In
Gaza their civilization is being destroyed. I cannot believe that
Israelis understand what is being done in their name; they couldn’t
possibly support it if they did.”

"I am deeply saddened to see that the oppression and injustice suffered
by Palestinians is worsening. Women, who are effectively excluded from
decision-making, are bearing the greatest burden of both the Israeli
occupation and the political divisions within the occupied Palestinian

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