
More on why some are cynical about the 2-state solution

AC sent us a great post last week on why some are cynical about the two-state solution. Add this story from Ha'aretz to the list:

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to approve the establishment of a new settlement in the Binyamin region in return for settlers' agreement to evacuate the illegal outpost of Migron. The Migron settlers will move into the new 250-house settlement after leaving the illegal one they built on private Palestinian land.

Today there are 45 families living in Migron, with only two living in permanent housing and the rest in trailers.

So Israel forces 45 families out of an "illegal" settlement, and rewards them by building a "legal" 250-house settlement? Who exactly does Israel think it's fooling?

Of course this all comes right after the Speigel database demonstrated the Israeli government's complicity in the growth of the settlements. Are there any questions left about why to be cynical? (Adam Horowitz)

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