
Did the lobby deliver kibosh to Gen. Anthony Zinni?

Note the sudden withdrawal of the offer to General Anthony Zinni to be ambassador to Iraq. CNN's political ticker says the withdrawal is a mystery.
Well, Zinni has called for a more evenhanded American policy in Israel/Palestine, and suggested that Israel-firsters pushed the Iraq war. Could this be the reason?
Some Republicans opposed the man who got the job, Chris Hill, on a human-rights basis. Sen. Sam Brownback led a spirited opposition in the Senate by citing Hill's performance in the talks over North Korea's nuclear weapons program, which he said left out concerns for Pyongyang's wretched record on famine, forced labor and political imprisonment. I know Brownback is a Republican ideologue, but his speech was eloquent, and I wonder whether the Brownback-Graham maverick Republican section couldn't get interested in Palestinian human rights as a political issue. Especially with Pelosi-Harman-Saban across the aisle.

Though my friend Seven reminds me Brownback is a Christian Zionist. Eek.