Lieberman rolls out of bed and trashes 2-state solution

Surprise. The new Foreign Minister of Israel, one Avigdor Lieberman, has come out against the peace talks with the Palestinians conducted by his predecessor, Tzipi Livni, and said that any concessions to the Palestinians mean war.
As for the lobby, the Anti-Defamation League has embraced Lieberman's government:

stand in solidarity with Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government
and wish them great success as they work to promote peace with security…."

And the Conference of Presidents also embraces Lieberman, and denies there's any such thing as a lobby:

The special relationship was never determined on the bases of parties or partisanships but on shared values, world views, and interests.

Does the lobby speak for American Jews on this one? And will powerful American Jews give Obama room to confront Lieberman?

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