
July 2009


With all the current rhetoric out of Washington regarding an Israeli settlement freeze in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Joseph Dana, Antony Loewenstein and David Jacobus wanted to gauge public opinion on the streets of Jerusalem on a sunny, Sunday afternoon last weekend. What they found was shocking but unsurprising. The ease with which most Americans and Israelis, young and old, spouted racist and uncompromising comments about Arabs, settlements and Israeli conduct was a raw manifestation of the barriers to the peace process.

College interns working with a peace and justice organization in Chicago are conducting public opinion surveys about public views of Israeli/Palestinian equality, US military aid to Israel, and Israeli settlements. They asked a Greenpeace canvasser what he thought, and he had a surprising history with the IDF which seems to have influenced his views. Does he believe Palestinians and Israelis should have equal rights? “No way.”