
‘Non-Jewish Jews’: We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!

The battle is joined. Scary excommunication article in the Jerusalem Post by Isi Liebler. So scary it’s funny. "Marginalize the renegades" is the big idea: purge the bad Jews. Get rid of "the rot in the Diaspora." Because why? Because Jews are in a permanent war:

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, took ruthless measures against Israeli renegades, insisting also that Israeli embassies maintain close ties with local Jewish leaders and persuade them to refrain from publicly criticizing policies impinging on security. The consensus was that it would be immoral for Jews abroad to influence decisions that could have life-and-death implications for Israeli citizens…

We are engaged in a battle against fiendish enemies committed to our destruction. The Israeli government must now take steps to neutralize the impact of renegade Jews who present themselves as legitimate alternative Jewish viewpoints. Such an initiative by a country which provides genuine democratic rights to all its citizens, including Arabs, could hardly be categorized as eradicating freedom of expression. It would rather represent a highly overdue effort to exorcise such odious groups from the mainstream and expose them as unrepresentative fringe groups with no standing..

IN THIS atmosphere, fringe groups of "non-Jewish Jews," many with no prior involvement in Jewish life, exploited their Jewish origins or Israeli nationality to defame Israel. Today, they occupy leading roles fueling global anti-Israel campaigns.

I guess that includes me. Guess what Isi: I’m Jewish. I’m married to a non-Jew. I eat fish without fins or scales. I have goyische friends. But I’m Jewish. My momma’s Jewish. I read books. I’m proud to be a Jew. And your narrowminded ethnocentrism is taking the community off the cliff.

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