
On New Year’s Day, we’ve wrapped up Mondo Awards with, wow, 34 entries

Happy new year! We’ve done a last groggy sweep and have now published the last of the Mondo Awards submissions for inspiring compositions/people of 2010– four entries published on New Year’s Day, at the bottom of today’s page. We’ll be getting them all to the judges, and will announce winners and prizes before long.

We want to thank you, all of you who entered, those of you who read, those who cried and those smiled, mostly it’s just very empowering we’re in this together and we will prevail, we will.

We did not publish all submissions; we excluded some because the author had another piece, because the work was too casual, or because it seemed inappropriate for the criteria, etc. In that vein, we wrestled with Entry 32, Jerry Hoyt’s play, because it appears at times to rationalize suicide bombing– we’re against it– and includes what struck our (anglo) ears as inappropriate Arabic family names, but the overall impression of the piece was that a westerner was trying to fathom the Palestinian experience with empathy and so we publish it.

A piece or two was promised and not delivered; if we find them, we will put them up in days to come…

As a parting shot there are a few haikus, from annie…please add your own in the comments or send them in and we will compile them in a haiku post when the awards are announced.


Lubna sumud heart

silk of moonlight goddess free

flotilla madness


Sara spellbinds me

wild gushing hope tears from me

Young Brave standing there


Frailty shut the door

her She=ness Medea Roars

walks thru courage arch

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