
Panic in the lobby

The Israeli firsters in Congress are running scared but the chutzpah remains. From JTA:

“I understand the angst and anxiety that exists in Israel, but we’re not going to pick the next leader of Egypt,” [New York Congressman Gary Ackerman] said. Instead, Ackerman said, the United States should use what he said was a closing window of opportunity, and side pronouncedly with the people and against Mubarak.

“If we sign the people of Egypt up as lobbyists, they will do the right thing,” he said.

By contrast, here’s a liberal Zionist editor of LA’s premiere Jewish paper–quite a sensible article. Rob Eshman in the Jewish Journal:

“What’s going on? A massive, heartfelt liberation sweeps through the most populous Arab country in the world, with the prospect of rescuing future generations from drowning in oppression and stagnation. The Arab street cries freedom, and what do we cry? Oy!”

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