Reps Deutch, Lowey, and Israel choose Netanyahu over Obama– and who will bring down the hammer for the Iran Deal?

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Am I being too cynical in supposing that those Dem congresspeople who oppose the deal have no illusion that their opposition will kill the deal but instead know full well that it’s gonna pass and simply want to keep their trough filled? “Hey, look, AIPAC…I did my best!”

Thanks for that. Please tell my wife, who’s not so sure.

“According to a survey conducted by the Los Angeles Jewish Journal on July 22, 49% of American Jews support the deal, while only 31% oppose it. Yet, AIPAC’s high-profile anti-Iran deal campaign, coupled with aggressive activities of some other Jewish organizations, depicts the entire American Jewish community as “objectionist.” ”

As have a good portion of the people who have been commenting here.

It seems from the poll you quote that Jews are more clear how they feel about this issue, and that they are both more in favor and less opposed to the deal than the general American category.

53% of American Jews think congress should support the deal. 41% overall Americans agree. 35% of US Jews think congress should oppose. All Americans: 38%.

It’s obvious that these 3 “democrats” are not really suffering from dual loyalty syndrome. They’ve shown that their true allegiance is to Israel and Netanyahu~ not to their President, not to their party, not to their country, and not to their own citizens. Their constituents ought to be finding replacements NOW.

Period. And now, only because the word ‘dual’ came to mind again, here’s “Dueling Banjos”:

When zionists switch their loyalty from the US to Israel they are obligated to make their Aliyah to Israel. Common decency requires that, while they remain here, they keep out of US politics and in no way participate in an Israeli fifth column against loyal Americans. It beats me why more Jews aren’t offended.