To report honestly, US mainstream editors must stand up to Israeli propaganda machine

Over the years, this site has often been sharply critical of biased reporting by the mainstream U.S. media from Israel/Palestine. The New York Times has just sent a new correspondent, Ian Fisher, to Jerusalem, and we will scrutinize him just as vigorously as his predecessors.

At the same time, we recognize that the Israeli government’s propaganda apparatus will make his job in some ways harder than anywhere else in the world. Only if his newspaper stands behind him, from his editors on up to top management, will he be able to report honestly and fairly. For instance, the Times must be prepared to forgo inside scoops and one-on-one interviews with Israeli leaders that would require Fisher to compromise his coverage.

Back in 2010, a Dutch journalist named Joris Luyendijk provided valuable insights into how Israel manipulates journalists, in his book People Like Us; Representing the Middle East. We summarized Luyendijk’s valuable work then, but he bears repeating as Fisher takes up his new post. Luyendijk was astonished at his first visit to a plush Israeli government press center, in a 5-star hotel in Jerusalem: “Young Israeli men and women walked around in olive-green army uniforms handing out sheets of great quotes.”

He continued,

“A complete alphabet of ‘optimistic stories’ had been cooked up for the correspondents: Jewish, Christian and Islamic children together in one school; olive branches from Israelis and Palestinians; joint musical performances. You had only to telephone the Palestinian or Israeli organizers of these hopeful projects. . . and the great quotes, checkable information and striking visual details would be served to you on a plate.”

Joris Luyendijk

All was not carrots. Luyendijk watched the international Israel lobby in action. A Jewish-American businessman boasted in the Israeli media that “he’d managed to get rid of the critical correspondent of the Miami Herald by threatening to withdraw advertisements from it.” Luyendijk went on: “Israeli ambassadors and lobbyists also visited leading editors and producers at television networks, cable news television, and the main daily and weekly newspapers in many Western countries.”

Petty competitiveness in the U.S. mainstream media also helps the Israeli propaganda machine. Luyendijk does not look into this angle, but clearly an American reporter who is a day late with a big story, or misses out on an exclusive interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu, is going to be sorely tempted to write a pro-Israel puff piece to get back in the loop. One of the mistakes of Jodi Rudoren, Fisher’s predecessor at the Times, was her transparent campaign to get an interview with Netanyahu. The effort surely affected her reporting, and an exclusive with the rightwing leader would not have been worth it anyway.

What’s more, the event-driven nature of mainstream reporting makes Hasbara Central’s job easier. As Luyendijk explained, it was hard to report on the Israeli occupation; “the occupation itself was never news, but each new [Palestinian] attack was.” He added that the occupation was particularly hard to show on television: “it didn’t get any further than shots of tanks, soldiers checking papers, and long queues of civilians. How could correspondents portray the misery, repression and injustice behind such scenes?”

If Ian Fisher downplays the occupation and writes pro-Israel puffs pieces instead, he may not be entirely to blame. It could mean that his newspaper is not backing him up.

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The Newsroom, created and mainly written by Aaron Sorkin, has searing and accurate take-downs of the lies pushed by politicians with the complicity of the news media. I’d really appreciate Sorkin turning his passion for the truth to the media’s blanket of lies about Israel, both commission and ommission. There’s vast amount of material readily available. Here are two links about the glaring dishonesty of the New York Times to get started.

The American media’s 100% cover-up for Israel, over many decades, constitutes overwhelming evidence that America’s major news media are completely controlled by Israeli interests. Every sentient being in the news business must be aware of this.

Not only does the Israeli-controlled American media thoroughly lie about Israel, it’s now clear they also thoroughly lie about Russia. For example, here’s a link to an interview with noted Russia expert professor Stephen Cohen, describing this dangerous pattern of lies.

The clear purpose of all these lies has been to drag the U.S. into Israel’s religious war in Palestine, its corollary war in Iraq, and to push the U.S. into wars with Iran and now Russia. War is EXTREMELY profitable for a few.

Sorkin could create a riviting drama about the war profiteers who have taken control of America’s media and politicians, and who are steering the world into more conflagrations, death, and destruction. Episodes could include Netanyahu’s blackmailing of Bill Clinton, the take-down of Dan Rather, the outing of Valerie Plame, the attack on the USS Liberty, and the many instances of suppressing freedom of speech on American college campuses. It would combine the most exciting elements of The NewsRoom and The West Wing. Black ops, false flags, mass surveillance, blackmail, murder, and democracy at stake would make for gripping drama, and all true.

It might be somewhat of a Don Quixote mission. But as The Newsroom’s Charlie Skinner (Sam Waterston) said, “In the old days we did the news well. You know how? We just decided to.”

Ian Fisher is already writing that “most” of the world — not all — regards Jewish settlements as illegal. I’ve brought this to the Times’s attention too many times to count — in letters to the editor, emails to the public editor, in comments online. It is a hugely important point to them. If they can raise the slightest doubt re: their legality — more about a pushy neighbor (but we always knew that about the Jews) than international law; if they can continue to make this Israelis against Palestinians, not Jews against the world, then they will continue to do so, as they have for the last 50 years — as the whole world knows.

RE: “The New York Times has just sent a new correspondent, Ian Fisher, to Jerusalem, and we will scrutinize him just as vigorously as his predecessors. At the same time, we recognize that the Israeli government’s propaganda apparatus will make his job in some ways harder than anywhere else in the world. Only if his newspaper stands behind him, from his editors on up to top management, will he be able to report honestly and fairly.” ~ North

PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOR SNEEZING: “Ahhh . . . ahhh . . . Gleichschaltung!!!”*

* SEE: “Who Will Save Israel” | by Uri Avnery | | May 23, 2015

[EXCERPTS] The battle is over. The dust has settled. A new government – partly ridiculous, partly terrifying – has been installed. . .
. . . Now the situation inside Israel proper is about to change drastically.
Two facts attest to this.
First of all, Ayelet Shaked has been appointed Minister of Justice.
One of the most extreme right-wing Israelis, she has not made a secret of the fact that she wants to destroy the independence of the Supreme Court, the last bastion of human rights. . .
. . . PERHAPS WORSE is Netanyahu’s decision to retain for himself the Ministry of Communication.
This ministry has always been disdained as a low-level office, reserved for political lightweights. Netanyahu’s dogged insistence on retaining it for himself is ominous.
The communication Ministry controls all TV stations, and indirectly newspapers and other media. Since all Israeli media are in very bad shape financially, this control may become deadly.
Netanyahu’s patron – some say owner – Sheldon Adelson, the would-be dictator of the US Republican party, already publishes a give-away newspaper in Israel, which has only one sole aim: to support Netanyahu personally against all enemies, including his competitors in his own Likud party. The paper – “Israel Hayom” (Israel Today) – is already Israel’s widest-circulation newspaper, with the American casino king pouring into it untold millions.
Netanyahu is determined to break all opposition in the electronic and written media. Opposition commentators are well advised to look for jobs elsewhere . . .
. . . One cannot avoid an odious analogy. One of the key terms in the Nazi lexicon was the atrocious German word Gleichschaltung – meaning connecting all media to the same energy source [SEE: Gleichschaltung @- Wikipedia – J.L.D. ]. All newspapers and radio stations (TV did not yet exist) were staffed with Nazis. Every morning, a Propaganda Ministry official by the name of Dr. Dietrich convened the editors and told them what tomorrow’s headlines, editorials etc. were to be.
Netanyahu has already dismissed the chief of the TV department. We don’t yet know the name of our own Dr. Dietrich. . .


Zonists also constantly pressure electronic social media management to suppress the work of spontaneous Palestinian cameras, videos

“To report honestly, US mainstream editors must stand up to Israeli propaganda machine ”

And now you’ve pointed it out, I’m sure they will.